For the first time ever, the Boo Williams Sports Complex is full of head and assistant coaches from all the major and mid major schools. By moving the event back a few weeks, they were allowed by the NCAA to have the nations elite play callers come to town. Speaking of the NCAA, changes always seem to come about and during day one of the Nike EYBL Session II, all the games started 45 minutes late. What happened was the NCAA was still in a dead period by definition and the coaches teams and players could come through the door when the games were originally supposed to start.
The Nike circuit is loaded this season and there is also a bevy of Duke prospects which BDN identified two weeks ago. All but one of those 15 players are still on the radar and of course Duke offered four prospects scholarships last week. During day one, [private] we concentrated part of our efforts on watching Marcus Lee, who we first told you held an offer. While we have an interview up from Andrew Slater, I needed to get my first view of him. In short, he's long, athletic, moves well and is a good defender and rebounder, but his offense is a work in progress. Lee sprained his ankle in the second half and did not scratch from the field but his talent is clear. He told BDN that UConn, Texas, UNC, Kansas, Florida, Missouri and Duke were all showing interest and that he almost passed put and was intimidated wjhen he looked down and saw that Coach Mike Krzyzewski of Duke had made a call to him. That video is coming.
I took in Matt Jones and Julius Randle as well and we have a Randle vid coming as well. Randle dropped 15 and Jones 20 playing just over half the game in a Texas Titan's romp. Randle seems leaner to me and he is in great shape and still plays like a bull in the blocks while also floating out more than he did last season. Jones seems to be improved in an overall manner and I will elaborated more as I get multiple views.
I watched part of Ish Wainright game where his team lost by a point late and that meant his coach would go into a curse-fest while whaling about and would not allow him as was the case last week, interviews. Well, after a loss I understand and we are luck Andrew had such a long sit down with him and good luck ever finding a better interview at any Duke related site. Yes, I am bragging on him a little. In fact, Tom Konchalski was here and he raved about Andrew within 2 second of our annual Boo Williams event handshake. Wainright finished with 8 points and 9 rebounds and I need more views of him before I can get into my take on his game.
Austin Nichols was rolling it up in Arkansas in front of Coach K and Jeff Capel. He had 26 points, 10 rebounds and 6 blocks with 7 minutes to go in his game. Thins is that he was drawing a lot of attention and I will give you one guess which ugly colored team I am talking about. A guy from a rivals site told me they were at his games and such but I think Duke is in the door with him. Word is he will not pick a school before some visits.
I'll continue to share some updates but the wireless is not working in the arena and that means it is really hard to get to information as quickly as I'd like. Coach K will be flying in any minute now and will join Collins tomorrow when we embark on the marathon day or hoops from dusk to midnight. I will add some more stuff as it comes to me on the message boards. [/private]
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