Durham, N.C. - If you follow Duke Football, yo know by now that Johnny Williams will move to the Duke secondary after playing wideout his first two seasons. He's learning on the fly and we got his thoughts coming off the field after Saturday's scrimmage.
How is the spring going so far?
Pretty good, pretty good. I'm catching on real fast and will go up and meet with coach, so it's going well.
How did you respond to switch positions from wideout to defensive back?
I responded by putting 100% into it and make sure that when I go on the field, I know what I'm doing.
When did you and Cut first talk about changing positions?
Before the Christmas break, me and Coach Cut talked. I wasn't sure if I really, really wanted to but thought it might be a good move, so I made a decision to go over there, If it's good for the team, it's good for me.
Do you like it on defense?
Yeah [smiling] It's really intense.
You get to hit people ...
Yeah, it's fun to hit people.
What is the biggest adjustment?
Reading keys from one to two and conditioning.
Now that you are on the other side, who is the toughest receiver to cover?
Everyone of them is tough [smiling]I just try my best to listen to coach and keep what he said in my head.
Do you guys trash talk a bit?
Yeah, a lot, a lot. I trash talk a lot.
Anyone in particular today?
Probably Austin. He brought a little bit today, so I shot it back at him
Your goal the rest of the spring is?
To be the best I can and put everything I have got into this and help my team. Football is my love, you know.
Are the workouts different for you now?
No difference. I still catch balls and everything to keep my hands right. I probably get a little extra running in because on defense you have pursuit angles and stuff like that which need conditioning.
Thanks for your time.
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