What was your first Cameron experience like playing in front of the Crazies?
It was exciting. It was pretty overwhelming at first so I had to adjust. It was different but I had a lot of fun with my teammates and my friends.
Coach Krzyzewski said that you were being defended well in the scrimmages and there would be an adjustment period. What's the biggest adjustment to the college game
I feel like I am doing alright, but's it definitely an adjustment. The guys are taller, faster and stronger but I feel like I am going to do alright. I've watched a lot of film but getting out there makes you realize there is still some adjustments to be made. Tonight was one of our first games in front of people so there were some jitters for the freshman.
You will soon play with a much different rotation when Duke takes on somebody other than one another. What do you expect that difference to bring to the floor?
It is definitely going to be different, but we did a good job tonight competing, but it's going to be even more competitive when we play someone else.
You have the luxury of having some upper classmen teammates who have been through the battles before. What do they tell you with concern to helping to bring you adjust at Duke?
They tell me to just stay confident and play hard all the time and listen to coach. Coach was mainly positive after the game and said we did a good job at this point.
What has been the biggest adjustment for you at the college level to date?
I think the biggest adjustment is how we use our time. We are learning how to focus on our game yet still hit the books. So I think time management is the biggest thing.
What is the biggest challenge or some of the obstacles for Derryck Thornton to do well at the collegiate level?
My biggest obstacle is myself. I feel like I am the only one that can stop myself if I put limits on my game or myself.
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