Coach K on Commissions Release — A Good Starting Point

Earlier today, a Commission on College Basketball made some recommendations.   See article here from ESPN.   

The results have sparked many discussions and debates in a short time after the release.  With one and done being one of many issues, the offering was of major interest to Duke Basketball.

Mike Krzyzewski will be giving his feedback during an NABC call in show.  As he has said in the past, the college basketball world needs a starting point of discussion to implement sweeping changes.

Duke Men's Basketball Coach Mike Krzzyzewski and Athletics Director, Kevin White issued a statement moments ago -

Duke Vice President and Director of Athletics Kevin White:
“To be sure, we want to express our sincere thanks to Dr. Rice and her esteemed colleagues who serve on the College Basketball Commission. Their valuable insight and recommendations provide a starting point, a blueprint so to speak, for the future of college basketball. There is still much work to be done in coordinating the significant effort to make basketball – at all levels of play – the very best it can be. We will fully support those efforts, for they directly impact the best interests of the student-athletes playing the game.”

Duke Head Men’s Basketball Coach Mike Krzyzewski:

“Certainly, the Commission on College Basketball led by Secretary Rice included some of the very best people in higher education, college athletics, professional sports and beyond. Like everyone, we as coaches are looking at the recommendations announced earlier today. We are participating in an NABC conference call tomorrow and should have more to share as an organization by the end of the week. We have consistently said that we’d like to see substantive change in college athletics, particularly within our sport, and this appears to be a starting point for further discussion among the entities who touch basketball at all levels.”