Tag Archives: Duke Basketball Recruiting News

In depth one on one with Duke prospect Chasson Randle

Chasson Randle - Andrew Slater, BDN Photo

Chasson Randle is a 6'2" combo guard from Rock Island, Illinois. Last summer, he won a gold medal as a member of the USA U16 National Team in the FIBA Americas Tournament in Argentina. This past high school season Randle lost in the Illinois state sectional final to Jereme Richmond's Peoria Richwood's team, despite contributing twenty-two points and thirteen rebounds. With a reported 4.0 GPA, the young man, who describes himself as a "good kid," tries to exemplify the student-athlete that the NCAA lauds. He recently visited Duke University as part of the Bob Gibbons Tournament of Champions and the school's interest in him has increased. This weekend he was invited to the Pangos All-American Camp and made the Top 25 Cream of the Crop game. Prior to the game, he spoke with Blue Devil Nation about a multitude of topics.

Let's start with recruiting. What visits do you have planned? I heard you were going to visit Stanford on Monday.

I haven't visited any so far, but, yes, this Monday I'll be visiting Stanford Monday while I'm on the west coast. I'll probably schedule a few more after this.

But there is nothing firm set up yet?

No, not yet.

What schools are heavily involved with you?

I'd have to say Stanford, Illinois, Purdue, Wisconsin, Kansas, Georgetown, and Duke.

Those are your six or seven schools. Now, have all of them offered you? [private]

No, not all of them. It's a mix.

Did you visit Duke last weekend as well?

I was there, but I didn't visit.

Do you still view this as early in your timeline?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean I'm not opening it up, but I'm..

You're not going to be deciding in the next week.

Right, right.

How about in terms of position? You sometimes pt to a one. Are you a one or a two?lay like a two trying to conver

I can play both, wherever the coaches feel I'm a better use for.

Where do you feel more comfortable though? Let's say in high school, for example

Well, in high school, I play the two. I realize though that I'm realistically going to have to play the one at the next level. So, that's what I'm working on now.

Will distance be a factor for you? The majority of your schools are in the Midwest, but you've got schools on both coasts.

No, I don't think so. It'll be wherever I'm comfortable and wherever I fit in.

Where do you like to catch the ball?

Somewhere on the edges of the three point line so I don't get jammed if I'm playing the two. Somewhere on the wing where I can go to work and have room to either shoot it or take it to the basket.

In terms of your handle, let's say on a scale of one to ten, where is it now versus where you want it to be?

I'd probably say that it's like an eight. It's not where I want it to be and so I'm still working on it.

You're still tightening it up so that you can play either position, if need be.

Right, right.

How about in terms of modeling your game after some people, who would they be?

I try to take a little from different players. I try to take a little from Rondo.

Well, he's similar to you, in terms of physique.

Yeah, and I like to watch Kobe's approach to the game and the way he shoots the ball. I just try to take a little from both of them.

What's your height and weight right now?

I'm 6'2" and about 175.

Who will you seek guidance from before you ultimately decide upon a college?

My parents, my mom and dad, and my coaches, Mike Mullins, from my AAU team and coach Thom Sigel.

It's been reported that you were first in your class earlier this year. In terms of ultimately deciding upon a university, how important is the school's academic profile to you?

Right, right. I take my academics very seriously. It'll definitely be an important factor to me and will definitely be part of my decision.

What will be some of the other factors and what will you be looking for in the college that you ultimately decide upon?


No, just in general.

Oh, I want to go to a school that I'm comfortable at and one where I can get valuable minutes.

By that, do you mean valuable minutes right off of the bat? Is early playing time something that's very important to you?

I'm going to have to work for it.

Well, all of those schools have guards that have talent so it's good that you recognize that you're going to have to beat out some talented players to earn minutes.

Right, right.

You just want an opportunity to be able to earn them.

Exactly right. You know I also want to know how comfortable I'm going to be with the coaching staff. Do I feel good around them? Do I feel comfortable?

How often are you allowed to speak with them at this point? Once a week yet?

Soon, it'll be like that, but I'm not sure. I think, right now, it's once a month.

Can you get a feel for them yet?

Well, I can call them as much as I want. It's okay. They'll e-mail you or whatever to try to get updates.

How do you feel about the process so far?

I'm enjoying it. A lot of kids would love to be in this position.

Absolutely, is it stressful, exciting..

It's all exciting.

What would you like the audience to know about you away from the court?

I think I'd like them to know that I'm a good kid and someone they can have faith in.

Thank God there's at least one of you out here. The world needs a few more.

(laughs) Thanks.

Who are some of the other kids on the basketball circuit, maybe the more high-profile names, that you're pretty close with?

I'm friends with Quinn Cook and Brad Beal.

I saw you sitting with Anthony Davis the past few days.

Yeah, Anthony Davis too. He's another Illinois kids too.

Speaking of Illinois, how did you choose to go with Illinois Wolves over say, Mac Irvin or Anthony's team MeanStreets?

After my freshman year of high school, my high school coach heard about them and then I just went up there and tried out and liked those guys.

Who's the best player that you've faced so far?

I'd have to say Evan Turner.

Another Illinois kid..he was a kid that was somewhat of a late bloomer and now he's developed himself into a lottery pick

Yeah, and a Naismith Player of the Year.

What do you view as your strengths and weaknesses?

I haven't perfected anything yet, so I need to just keep getting better at everything.

It looks like you've tightened up your body, gotten leaner, dropped body at, et cetera.

Yeah, well, I've actually added muscle so maybe that's it.

Alright, maybe. What do you feel you can bring to a program?

My leadership, my versatility and stability. I'm well prepared when I get out there.

Are you very competitive?

Yeah, very competitive.

How did you do this past high school season, as far as your team goes?

We did pretty well. We made it to the Sweet Sixteen, but lost to Jereme Richmond's team.

What's your range right now?

My range?

Yeah, how far out do you feel comfortable shooting the ball? In this game, you shot a lot of threes.

Oh, yeah, well my shot just wasn't falling at all today.

You had decent form but it looked like you weren't getting just enough lift.

Yeah, yeah.

How'd you do in that game?

I played pretty well. We went to the final four.

Which Duke coaches have you spoken with?h.

Coach Wojo.

What are your impressions of him so far?

He's just a straight up guy. He was a guard and he's direct and I'm sure he'll be  a head coach someday, if he wants to be.

Now, I know there have been some reports that you were thinking about taking an additional day to tour around the campus, but that the cost became prohibitive to change your return flight at that time. Are you still planning on visiting them in the future?

Yeah, yeah. I definitely plan on visiting with them before I make my final decision.

Well, how were the practice facilities?

Oh, they were real nice. New and clean and just nice. It was a cool experience.

Thanks for your time, Chasson.

Thank you. [/private]

The latest on Duke prospect Austin Rivers

LOS ANGELES - As legendary scout Tom Konchalski said, "there's no one in high school basketball who has a better skill set, regardless of position."

Austin Rivers sat down with BDN's Andrew Slater in Los Angeles. BDN will bring you coverage on Duke prospects from Pango's this weekend. It's a great tiem to join BDN Premium!

Austin Rivers has been Duke's top target in 2010 for quite some time. His games have been the best attended and some of the more entertaining ones of this AAU season. The Winter Park, FL native has recently come up with a tentative list of schools, which he would like to visit in the near future. He has said that he will decide publicly on his future college program by this August. At this weekend's Nike EYBL leg in Los Angeles, Rivers injured his ankle and head in separate incidents, resulting in missing the last three games of this tournament. From the training table, Austin Rivers spoke with Blue Devil Nation about a variety of topics, including his injuries, his goals for the upcoming season, how he deals with the public nature of his father's occupation, and why he will end his recruitment by August.

First of all, let's start with the injury. What happened and how serious was it?

Oh, well, I sprained it pretty bad, but I should be all right.

Is this a long-term injury? I remember you hurt it badly at the HoopHall.

Oh, no, it just hurts a lot now, but I should be back. Hopefully, I can go by this evening, but I doubt it. [private]

What did she (the trainer) say about it?

Oh, she didn't know much.

She took about two minutes to get over to you.

Yeah, exactly, I was over there screaming and writhing in pain.

What about the head injury? You've got the massage bandage.

Oh, that was another one. I was just trying to get by my man and the guy just slammed right in to me trying to steal it.

They took him to the emergency room. The last time I spoke with you was at the Elite 24 basketball tournament in New York. You mentioned that your number one goal was to win a state title because almost every player there had accomplished that. No, you've achieved that. Talk about that accomplishment and what your goals are for next season.

I'd say for myself that I'd like to win another state championship, win Mr. Florida, be a First-Team All-American, be a McDonald's All-American. I was proud to be one of the two juniors to make the All-American team. That made me proud.

Well, that touches on a follow-up question. Are you gunning for that number one spot?

No, if it happens, it happens. I will certainly play hard, give my all, and go for it, but I can't control where they'll rank me. I think I'll be in the discussion, though. I'd be really happy, if it happens, but I'm not going into anything with that mindset.

There's been a rumor going around that you're not going to be at Winter Park next season. Can you clarify the situation?

No, I'll be at Winter Park next season.

The next thing is that you've recently come up with a list of five or six schools where you'll be visiting. How did you select these ones and what will you be looking for?

Basically, I just looked at schools that I could see myself playing at. They're ones that win a lot and get players to the NBA.

What are you looking for, when you get onto the campus?

Schools that have winning programs, great coaching, good areas as far as weather, and challenging academically.

So you're not a fan of cold?

I can deal with cold, but I don't want to go to a place where it's cold year round.

How did you decide on August being the deadline? Was it a matter of just trying to clarify this matter before the school year begins? One less thing to worry about.

Yeah, exactly, I wanted to have a clear head before my senior season and plus my birth day is in that month so I thought I would combine the two.

What do you think you've improved upon most since last season?

I think my strength. I can take a hit when I'm going to the basket. Last year, I didn't handle the bumping as well as a I do now.

You look like you've added some muscle in your upper-body. You're not hiding under those tee shirts. You've got some little guns right now.

[milig]Yeah, exactly, I was hiding under those shirts last year.

What are you looking to work on more this season?

I'm going to work on being more vocal out on the court, as far as talking to my teammates and talking about the defenses.

Do you view yourself still as a combo guard?

Yeah, I do. I like the versatility of being a combo guard.

Gilchrist: Man, what happened?

My ankle.

Gilchrist: Again? Wow. You gotta be careful, boy.

What about the attention that you've received this AAU season? You've gotten arguably the largest crowds, whether its from other players, fans, scouts, people curious about Doc Rivers' son, et cetera. Is it something you enjoy?

Yeah, I'm fine it. It's sort of something that's always been there and I just try to embrace it now. I can deal with it.

Do you notice players trying to go after you even harder than before, if for nothing else but to make their own name off of you?

Yeah, they're definitely going harder and putting a target on me, but I like it. I like the competitiveness. I like having that challenge.

Now, what about the Celtics? They just defeated your hometown Magic. Does having your father play in these high-profile games ever put you on some awkward spots? Do you try to follow him closely or just view it as your dad's work?

Yeah, it can definitely be a little awkward or strange. I mostly just try to ignore it, but it's so public.

It's got to be strange hearing people judging your dad's work because it is so public and yet so personal. I mean if your dad was an accountant or a plumber none of your friends or classmates would know whether he was doing well at his job. It's got to be somewhat crazy at times to deal with.

Yeah, it definitely can be. I just try to say that my dad has his own career to deal with. I hope that he and the Celtics do well, but I just try to concentrate on improving myself and competing.

Having seen the highs and lows of his own career, do you think you'd like to follow in the family business of getting into coaching, when your playing days are over?

Yeah, hopefully. I'd like to get into either coaching or being an analyst after the playing part of my career is over. That's something I'm taking very seriously and looking into as well.

Thank you very much, Austin. I appreciate it.

No problem at all. [/private]

Quinn Cook still holds interest in Duke

Quin Cook drives to the basket in Cameron Indoor Stadium during the Tournament of Champions - Photo copyright Rick Crank and BDN Photo

BDN Premium continues it's coverage from the TOC with this Quin Cook interview and we are just scratching the surface.  Next up on BDN Premium will be Andre Drummond followed by Amile Jefferson, Austin Rivers, Tyler Adams, more on J.P. Tokoto and Alex Murphy and that is just a partial list. BDN was at the Nike EYBL and TOC last week and we'll be beating the AAU trail again this weekend.   It's a great time to join BDN Premium!  Quinn Cook is a highly rated point guard prospect who plays his AAU ball for D.C. Assault.  During this past weekends Tournament of Champions, BDN caught up with the prosect who said he still has interest in Duke if they do him.[private]

Press play -

Next up on BDN Premium - Andre Drumond [/private]

BDN talks with rising prospect Anthony Davis at the Nike EYBL

LOS ANGELES - Information is so fluid and immediate and basketball has become a twelve month a year sport that it is extraordinarily rare to find a rising senior, particularly one that is considered to be a consensus top ten caliber player, that stealthily moves under the radar in America, let alone in its third biggest city, Chicago. And yet, that is exactly what occurred with the nearly 6'10," 195 lb forward, Anthony Davis. He has exploded onto the scene through a combination of a late growth spurt, a decision to once again play AAU basketball, and the sheer frustrated determination to prove that he deserves to be considered amongst the best players in the nation, regardless of where he chooses to attend high school. With a reported 3.8 grade point average, the Perspectives Charter school star is now garnering interest from Duke and Harvard Universities. In a span of two months, the athletic shotblocker from MeanStreets has gone from being a relative unknown on the national level to being one of the most coveted prospects in the country. During this weekend's Nike EYBL tournament in Los Angeles, Davis spoke with Blue Devil Nation about a variety of topics.

How do you feel about coming out of nowhere to being viewed as a potential top ten player in such a short amount of time?

It feels good, I mean, from not being known, to now when I walk into the gym people saying, "That's Anthony Davis." It feels good, you know what I'm saying.

I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Yeah, man, it feels good.

Now, how do you stay humble and keep your eye on the prize?

Oh, I just come out and play hard everyday because, as quickly as it came, it can all go away. I just need to keep working hard, don't get a big head, and stay humble.

What about the decision to play AAU ball again? How did you come to that?

Oh, well, at one of my home games in high school, Tai Streets and Carlton came over and saw me play. They asked my dad if I wanted to play for their AAU program. I said, "Sure, why not?" because I figured at least it might get my name out there. I went to the gym and played with their guys and I liked it. So, I was happy to be a part of them.

How about the decision to stick with Perspectives? I heard other programs were trying to, well, encourage you to leave [private] and  knocking your competition.

Well, I mean I've been there since sixth grade and now they all want me to transfer or knock my competition and numbers. They say I'm hiding.

I like that. If you're comfortable and you've now got the exposure, why do you have to leave?

Right, I mean these guys don't say it to my face, but they all say I'm scared and all of that, but I'm committed to my team and apparently I'm not that scared if I'm coming out here and doing what I've been doing. You know putting up good numbers. I'm not scared of them. I'm committed to my team. If I want to leave, I can leave, but I don't want them telling me what I should or shouldn't be doing.

Now, how did you choose Perspectives in the first place? I  know it's a charter school.

Well, they had a good reputation for academics and small class size. So, my mom tried to get me in there. Then, in my sophomore year, things got a little hectic, you know what I'm saying it got real bad, but I didn't want to transfer and start somewhere new in my junior year.

Having had that late growth spurt and having been a guard, do you feel that brings you a different perspective or advantage, from how you look at the court versus other big men, in terms of seeing the court as a guard views  it and, as a result, being able to get open?

Yeah, definitely. Most big guys just pick a spot and stand there waiting for a guard to throw them the ball. They don't know how to move and get open. They're not looking for the right angles. I always try to be in the right place at the right time so that the guards can get me the ball in a good spot to either score or make another quick pass. I know how a guard thinks because I used to be a guard myself. I figure if I know what they're going to be doing and how to get open, it's going to make the game a whole lot easier.

Absolutely, let's move onto recruiting. Which schools have offered you and which schools have expressed interest?

The schools that have offered me are Syracuse, Providence, Memphis, Ohio State, Illinois, and DePaul. The schools that have expressed some interest are Kentucky, Louisville, and Duke.

What position are most schools recruiting you for?

Mostly the 3/4.

What's your go-to move at this point?

If a big man is on me, I like to take him outside and either shoot right over him or break him down off of the dribble. If I got a little guy on me, then I'll take him on the block. I really don't have a move down there, though. Whatever way they're playing me, I try to figure out a way to be effective against it.

How tall are you now, 6'8" or 6'9?"

I'm 6'10." It all just came together at the right time.

Are you looking to add strength?

Yeah, I'm definitely looking to add strength so I can be more effective around the rim.

Do you have a gym that you work out or lift at nearby?

Yes, right near me.

Who are some people that you will seek guidance from, whenever you do decide on a college?

Probably Evan Turner.

Another Chicago kid.

Yeah, I mean he was another kid that was somewhat overlooked coming out of high school and he was from my area. He was Westside.

What are you looking for ideally in a college?

First of all, they've got to have my major, a good basketball program, a good environment, and not really a rural environment. I'm more comfortable in an urban environment.

What are you hoping to major in?

Sports Management

What would you like the audience to know about you away from the court?

That I'm a funny guy.

Who's the best player you've faced so far?

I've got to say Wayne Blackshear.

Yeah, I saw you guys go head-to-head. I thought you got him in that particular game.

Who do you try to model your game after?

Kevin Durant

When do you hope to decide on a school?

I'm not absolutely sure, but it'll be right before my school year or right after my school year.

Why do you think that you fell so under the radar?

I think because I went to a really small school, like a hundred kids, and didn't play any of the so-called big competition that nobody noticed. I've been proving for the last month that people should've been paying attention to the numbers I was putting up.

What do you bring to a program?

My defense and my mid-range game. Big men think, oh well, he can't hit that or they don't want to be taken off of the dribble.

What do you need to get better at?

I need to lift. i need to get stronger. I'm about 195. I need to get like 220 to 225 before the school year starts so..I just need to get stronger.

Have you taken any visits unofficially?

No, nothing serious.

Do you have any planned?

I might check out a couple pretty soon, but nothing's planned.

You mentioned before that Duke had started to express some interest in you. If they start pursuing you more seriously, will you start to look at them more seriously?

Yep. Yes, definitely.

I don't know if you follow college basketball, but what do you know about them from afar?

Yeah, absolutely, they're a good basketball program. I watch them a lot. They just won the tournament this year. They're a good basketball program and academically too. They're one of the top academic programs in the country.

Thanks, Anthony, for your time. Keep playing hard.

Absolutely, thank you. [/private]

Recruiting spotlight on 2012 big man Kaleb Tarczewski

Photo property of Rick Crank and BDN

While watching  Alex Murphy of the New England Playaz during last season's AAU Nationals, a kid named Kaleb Tarczewski stood out by dominating the glass while scoring 26 points.  Tarczewski is listed at 7-0 but he is probably an inch or so away from that height but considering he's just a rising junior at St. Mark's [MA], he may very well continue to grow.  Tarczewski has been quietly on the Duke radar for evaluation since last summer and he showed flashes which could bring more attention his way.  The kid is very active around the glass, backs down from nobody, and has unusually good coordination for a prospect his size and age.  We'll talk more of Tarczewski on our premium message board but for now, here is our interview with the center [private] prospect. [Additional Q and A coming with Tarczewski]

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More to come on BDN Premium [/private]

A name to watch – Montrezl Harrell breaks out at TOC

Montrezl Harrell had a coming out party at the TOC -Photo copyright Rick Crank, BDN Photo

A new name making the rounds in recruiting circles is Monterzl Harrell [class of 2012, 6-7 North Edgecombe Magnet, Tarboro, N.C.]  a sturdily built kid who went toe to toe with J.P. Tokoto and touched his team for 29 points, including the best dunk I saw in the tournament.  Harrell went air born and thrust one down with power from the baseline this past Friday evening in the Dean Dome.  By my unofficial count, he blocked 5 shots in the game as well and by games end all who were witnessing were talking of him. BDN caught up to Harrell after learning that Duke [private] Assistant Coach Nate James had attended one of his practices a few weeks back.  Here is the skinny on Harrell -

Just press play -

More to come on BDN Premium - [/private]