Many consider the strength of Duke’s last recruiting class to be the offensive line, led by Cody Robinson, Marcus Aprahamian, Lucas Patrick, and Matt Skura. Coach Luke and the staff would love to add a few more impact linemen to the roster in the class of 2012, but it’s been a slow start at the position so far. With camp season in full swing, recruiting has picked up quickly, and Duke has extended offers to a number of top offensive linemen across the country, and some close to Durham. One of the top linemen in the state of North Carolina resides in Southern Pines, and 6'3" 285 pound prospect Bryce Kennedy added a Blue Devil offer to his list a few weeks ago.
BDN: Can you start off by describing your strengths for fans who haven’t had a chance to see you play?
My biggest thing is I’m fast for my size, I get off the ball pretty quick, so I think that’s my biggest strength.
BDN: What are some of the things you have been working on this spring?
Trying to get stronger, I’m in the weight room a lot, doing a lot of weights. I’ve started the speed process, I’m doing less weights, a lot of reps, trying to get faster for the season.
BDN: What are your goals for your senior year?
My senior year I plan on giving my all, making plays, helping my team out, and I hope my team takes after me and gives it their all.
BDN: As you look at your college decision, what are the most important factors you are looking for in a school?
Main thing I’m looking for is if they have a good program in academics. I’m big on academics and my mom is too, so I know she’s going to want me to go to a school that’s big on academics.
BDN: Is there a particular academic program you’re interested in studying?
Not right now, I’m still looking around, but I mean schools like Duke and [North] Carolina, top academic schools.
BDN: What schools have you been in contact with the most?
South Carolina, East Carolina, NC State has been by. Clemson has been by, North Carolina by, and Duke has been by. I think that’s been about it. Wake Forest has been by. The schools I’ve been to already has been South Carolina, Duke, and North Carolina and I’m going to NC State this weekend or next weekend. Oh yeah, Stanford came by, too.
BDN: That was going to be my next question. How did your visits go to South Carolina, Duke, and North Carolina?
They’re all great, they’re all great schools. From what I saw, they’re all just great schools and would be great places to go to school.
BDN: Do you have any visits planned for this summer other than NC State?
I plan on going to Stanford this summer and Wake Forest and probably East Carolina. I’ll probably go back to South Carolina, Duke, and UNC too.
BDN: Have any schools stood out to you at this point in the process, either from your visits or your relationships with the coaches?
They’re all new to me, so they’ve all really, really, really surprised me. South Carolina, I know the coaches a lot, I know the OLine coach since I’ve been a freshman he’s been there and what type of guy he is. I like Duke and [North] Carolina a lot because of the campuses and I know how the academics are. I’ve talked to the coaches a lot and they seem like good coaches to have, like they’d be there for me and everything.
BDN: Do you have an idea for how you would like to narrow things down and make your decision?
Yeah, I’m going to talk to my parents about and see what schools are at the top.
BDN: Is there anything else you think is important for college football fans to know about you?
The only thing that’s really important to me is that I’m going to give my all on every play, I’m going to be there to support my team, and I’m a player that they can count on.
BDN: Thanks a lot, Bryce, and best of luck to you.
Alright, thank you sir.
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