Two years ago, Alex Murphy was a reserve forward for St. Mark's of Southborough, Massachusetts. Now, he's the focal point of one of New England's best prep school teams and one of the most coveted wings in the country. Recently, the Rhode Island native visited Duke for their game against Maryland with his dad, Jay, the former Boston College star and NBA forward. After a recent game against Life Center Academy (NJ) at the Hoop Hall Classic, Murphy recounted his recent visit to Duke and discussed what he wants to improve upon before playing college basketball, his transition of necessity to the power forward position for St. Mark's, his relationship with Quinn Cook, and how he's improved since the summer.
Alex, can you talk about facing LaQuinton Ross and what he did to you guys in the first half?
Yeah, I know LaQuinton real well. We played in the Elite 24 together and I know him from seeing him around the circuits. He obviously played a great game and hurt us in the first half. He hit a lot of threes. He's a good player and he's going to get his own, but I think we did a better job in the second half of containing him and staying front of him.
You guys started to hit threes in the final quarter, gained momentum, and took the lead briefly near the end, but what happened on that final possession? What was the design of the play?
I don't really know what happened. I just, kind of, lost my footing and slipped. Like you said, we hit some threes down the stretch, and we actually went up two with just a couple of minutes left so..When Nick (Stauskas) hit that three, I thought we had the game right there, but, unfortunately, things turned and they hit a couple of shots in the last minute to [private]regain the lead and ultimately the game. Credit to them.
Another reporter: Two years ago, your brother, Erik, was going through the recruiting process. Now you are. How did that prepare you for what you're going through right now?
It's helped me a lot. Just, sort of, sitting in the backseat and watching him go through the whole thing. It definitely helped and he's been great, you know, if I ever need any help or if I ever have any questions about the whole thing, he's been there for me.
Same reporter: You came here two years ago and now you have a bigger role on the team. What's changed in two years?
Well, like you said, my role has changed in two years. I'm a bigger part of the team, but it's just a great event to be at and it's a lot of fun. I'm just glad we got to come here.
Do you have any timetable for your decision?
No, I don't have any real time set yet.
Can you talk about the great experience of playing in showcase events like this or the City of Palms? The competition, the exposure, the travel and camaraderie..
Yeah, yeah, yeah, It's a great thing both individually and for your team as well. The competition you face is obviously top-notch. So, you've gotta be ready to go from the jump. The guys you're facing every game are going to be good. We didn't show well today, but, like you said, it's a great opportunity.
What do you think you've improved upon the most since the summer, in terms of skill development? Anything in particular?
Yeah, I think I've improved on a lot. There are stretches during the high school season where you can really work on things like skill development. As you know, it's a lot different than AAU..
You guys are playing a ton of games. Realistically, more than a hundred games over a few months.
Yeah, yeah, exactly, we're playing almost every day. Two to three times a day. Teams can't scout you. There's a lot more freelancing. Not as much defense. The caliber of player is maybe a little better. Guys can't key in on you as much. High school's definitely a lot different. I'm playing a different position here now so that's been a work in progress.
You're playing the four a lot more here. On the Playaz and even last year at Saint Mark's, you played primarily the three with some spot minutes at the four, right?
Yeah, yeah, which is a little different than I played in the past..absolutely
Do you like the switch?
Um, well, I mean I guess if I had my preference, I'd like to be on the wing. I think that's more of my..
Natural position?
Yeah, it's more of my natural position, but I mean playing the four here I mean if it's something I've gotta do for my team, I've gotta do it.
In the time you have left in high school, what are the things you'd like to work on most to prepare you for the next level?
I feel like I've got to get a bit stronger. Add some muscle. I need to work on my body. Work on my agility. Get faster. I need to be able to deal with the speed or quickness in the game at the next level. It's obviously played a lot faster and the guys I'll be guarding are much faster and more skilled. So, I have to be able to match them. Those are things that immediately jump out at me. I guess I really just need to improve all around.
Do you have any visits upcoming? I know you went to Duke recently and you're supposed to head over to BC soon.
Yeah, I just went to Duke and it was a really good visit.
What did you see and do there?
Well, I mean obviously it's a great school and I've been down there before, but this was my first time there seeing a game. It was great and the atmosphere was intense. Like I said, it was a lot of fun, but, in terms of upcoming visits, I don't have any others really planned.
Did you have time to do a tour of the campus?
Not really, we went through like the pre-game all Sunday with the team and I saw the team prepare and workout and stuff. It was a night game and we actually had to head out early Monday morning to avoid the storm.
I was talking with Quinn Cook and I asked him who he was recruiting. He said he was busy recruiting three guys: you, Shabazz Muhammad, and Tony Parker. He said you three are the ones he's concentrating on.
(laughs hard) Yeah, yeah, yeah, Quinn's been really nice. He's a great kid.
Yeah, he is. He was so disappointed in the loss.
Yeah, I know. Well, same with us right now.
I know I feel like the Kiss of Death showing up outside of locker rooms.
(laughs) Yeah, no, but Quinn's a great kid obviously and I know him from Adidas Nations,
DC Assault and New England Playaz.
Yeah, absolutely, and we're in contact all of the time. He's pushing Duke hard.
How has your season gone so far? Other than today..
Yeah, other than today, it's going well. I think there's a lot of things that we can improve on and we really have to improve on in order to go from being a good team to a great team.
I like your pickup of Nick (Stauskas). I think he adds a new dimension to your team and can help you create space.
Yeah, he does. He definitely does. He forces teams to not be able to pack it in against Kaleb or just key on me. He gives us a third scorer. Like I said, though, we've still got a lot of things that we need to work on. We're improving, but today exposed some things we need to concentrate on.
Well, today from the second quarter on you guys played more cohesively as a unit, contained Ross, and scrapped to get back in the game. It was really just that first quarter where LaQuinton went nuts. He had about 21 in just over the first quarter.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but I blame that on myself. I don't think I gave him enough credit or respect for being able to consistently knock down those three-pointers. I should've guarded him more tightly or recognized it quicker. It put us in such a deficit so quickly.
It was such a freak or an abnormal quarter. As the person sitting next to me said, he hasn't shot that well from outside since he was a freshman.
Like I said, he can really play and I knew that, but I guess I wasn't ready enough.
In terms of New England, are you guys the prohibitive favorite in your league this season?
Well, there's a newly formed league this year and so there's a lot better or, at least, there are lot of good teams in our league this year. Tilton is really good.
Nerlens Noel is a very good prospect.
They're deep. Cushing is good. Saint Andrew's has some very good players. They're playing here. So, I wouldn't say we're the prohibitive favorite because there are a lot of good teams, but I will say that, as long as we keep improving, that we've got a good chance or good opportunity to win the Championship.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
Sure, no problem. [/private]
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