Tag Archives: Duke Basketball Recruiting News

Prospect Amile Jefferson talks of his visit to Duke

Amile Jefferson opens up to BDN talking his CTC experience and more - Rick Crank BDN Photo

The 2012 class is filled with talented forward prospects and 6’8 Amile Jefferson is no different.  Making his second trip down to Duke University the talented forward was able to take in a great night of college hoops fun.  Jefferson was in line to watch the unveiling of the Blue Devils 2010 National Championship banner and ring ceremony.  BDN got a chance to catch up with Amile and hear his thoughts on his visit to Durham.

BDN: Can you talk about your visit to Duke this past weekend? What did you do from the beginning til end? And how long did you stay?

AJ: I stayed there for about a day, about a full 24hours.  It was really hectic down there being the Midnight Madness and all.  We got in around 2pm on Friday.  Basically right when we got there we went right to the gym.  There was just so many people there you had to park really far away from campus (laughs).  When we finally got there on to the campus everything was set and everything was going.  I just thought it was a great atmosphere and great fans and everything; these fans really love their team. Duke is really a great [private] school and a great program. I just loved the opportunity to go visit down there and watch them unveil the banner and just to see how welcoming the people are was just incredible. We got to talk to the coaches for a little while and then the next day we watched them practice.  Watching them practice was just amazing.  Just to see how everything was run at a high pace.  They do some things that I’ve seen my high school do, but they do it in such a manner that I just couldn’t even believe that could be done. Everything was just done so quick, fast and tight.  There really wasn’t any waiting in line you were just doing something at all times.  Either you’re getting up shots or you’re expecting the ball to get passed back to you.  All the situations were just done at high speeds and I just thought that was great for a practice because that’s definitely how you prepare yourself for a game.

BDN: Which coaches did you speak to? Coach K?

AJ: I only got to speak with Coach K very briefly individually.  It was really him welcoming me down there and letting me know the gist of the night.  He’s really a great guy to talk to.  You know he’s just a basketball genius I believe.  His coaching is just like a movie. It’s incredible how he motivates the guys to play.  We talked a little bit about his USA team and how great they did this past summer and how great the young guys played and also how he got those guys to play great defense.

BDN: Did you tour the facilities?

AJ: No unfortunately not, the only facilities I got to see were the practice facility a little bit and Cameron.

BDN: Who did you take your visit with?

AJ: It was me and my father.

BDN: What were his impressions of the trip?

AJ: I believe he really liked it. Dukes atmosphere is just amazing you can’t do anything but like it. Like I said earlier the people are very welcoming and enthusiastic and they just bring energy to you.  Me and him just couldn’t help but stand up and clap and cheer for the players like we were a part of the school. They were just so riled up it was amazing.

BDN: What were your overall impressions of the staff?

AJ: I think they have a great staff.  Especially since all of those guys are Duke alums, it really brings a close-knit bond to the school and to the players. I thought that is probably a great idea for your staff.  These guys have been through and can speak on what you’re going through because they actually were there and did play at that school.

BDN: I noticed during the game Coach K was talking to some of the recruits, what type of things was he talking about?

AJ: He really is a basketball genius.  When you just watch how he coaches he is constantly taking notes in his head and watching the game with a close eye. While I was sitting there next to him he was pointing out things like cuts and how guys make them and how it makes the game much easier. He talked about how the players rebound and box out, how they shot fake, it was just really little small important things that make such a big difference.  Things like making the right pass, not only making the right pass but making it at the right time and not holding the ball so to keep the guys moving.  He just hit on so many different points, he just sees everything on that floor and he would just let us know everything he sees.

BDN: Did you get to spend any time with any extensive time with any of the players?

AJ: I did for a little but not too long.  I got to speak with guys like Nolan Smith and some recruits like Quinn Cook.  I’m actually pretty good friends with Quinn so I definitely got to talk with him for a little bit. Some of those guys were staying on campus while I had a hotel and a lot of us had different hotels.

BDN: Are you planning on a return visit, perhaps with your parents this time?

AJ: We didn’t get to talk about that because my dad and I kind of shot out of there.  We just said our goodbyes because we had an early flight.  I didn’t get to watch the whole practice because I had to leave. Hopefully I can get down there for a game though.  I would love to see that atmosphere again.

BDN: Did the staff talk about an offer?

AJ: No, not really. We didn’t really even talk a lot about the recruiting process.  Most of the things we talked about were the USA team or that night in general.

BDN: Thanks a lot Amile, appreciate your time.

AJ: No problem, thank you. [/private]

Tony Parker tells BDN Duke has offered

Tony Parker is claiming a Duke offer. Read more on BDN Premium

From Elton Brand to Carlos Boozer to perhaps maybe Tony Parker? The 6’9 278 lbs big man from Georgia is as talented as they come.  Major programs all over the country are recruiting him for his services and one lucky program will land not only a fine player but a fine young man as well. 

It was a big recruiting weekend in Durham, North Carolina and Tony was on hand to enjoy the kick-off festivities of the 2010-2011 season.  The four-star big man had a chance to take in the raising of the National Championship banner as well as the atmosphere of one of the most historic sites in college basketball, Cameron Indoor Stadium.  BDN got a chance to speak with the talented big man and get his thoughts on his visit.

BDN: Can you talk about your overall visit and what you did from when you arrived until when you left?

TP: It was a great visit I really enjoyed it.  It’s a great school and it has a really good basketball atmosphere. We got there kind of late but I still got to see quite a bit of the campus. I got to watch the blue and white game; I really enjoyed seeing how they play and how everything works.  Afterwards I went to the locker room and [private] met the coaches.  I got a chance to look at the rings, they were really nice.

BDN: What players or recruits did you hang out with during your visit? Did you know any of them from before?

TP: Of course I got to spend time with Quinn Cook.  I got to play with him on Team USA.  I also got to talk with Austin, Rodney Purvis.  There were a lot of great players there.

BDN: Did you get to tour the facilities?

TP: I saw a little but I didn’t get to see them all because I got there so late.  I’ve seen them before, I’ll probably take a longer tour next time.

BDN: Did you speak with Coach K in a one on one setting? What did you talk about?

TP: Yes sir I did.  They talked about me going there.  I got to meet his wife she was really nice.  I got to talk with Coach James for awhile.

BDN: What is your impression of the staff overall?

TP: They are a great staff, they really do a great job there.  They really push the tempo and they really love defense which is a big part of winning.

BDN: What was your impression of Countdown to Craziness?

TP: I had a really great time.  I thought it was very well organized and really enjoyed seeing them play.  I really liked it.

BDN: Did the staff talk to you about an offer?

TP: Yes they did.  They offered me.

BDN: Wow that’s great to hear.  What do you think about that?

TP: I just think it’s great.  The history of Duke is just, man its great period.

BDN: Does this change things for you with them?

TP:  Yea it does, they will definitely be in contention.

BDN: Did they talk about a return visit perhaps for a game?

TP: Yes we did but I don’t know when right now, it’s still in the works.

BDN: Thanks for your time Tony.

TP: No problem.(Note to members - I have yet to verify the offer but know one was likely to come - watzone)  [/private]

Top Prospect Rasheed Sulaimon is High on Duke

Rasheed Sulaimon is one of the nation's top guards in the class of 2012. Sulaimon took time to talk in depth about the recruiting process with BDN and you didn't need to prompt him to say good things about Coach K and his program. Sulaimon will visit for Countdown to Craziness on October 15th and BDN Premium will keep you abreast of the lates happenings leading into and after the event. It

Standing close to 6-3, Duke prospect Rasheed Sulaimon is often referred to as silky smooth, versatile and a throwback player to days gone by.  Sulaimon possesses the rare mid-range game which most kids no longer work on in this day and time, and the major schools are starting to recruit him hard.  Sulaimon sat down for an in-depth interview with Blue Devil Nation where he states that he grew up a Duke fan and that he is more than just a little excited to be visiting Countdown to Craziness on October 15th.  Sulaimon opened up in the interview and that allows you to get a really good feel for his character and thought process on the recruiting front.  He spoke of Kansas and a recent visit to Texas and, well, you'll have to subscribe to BDN Premium to read a very interesting interview you are sure to be pleased with.

Suppose that the audience has never seen you play.  Can you describe your game in your own words?

I would describe myself as a competitor.  Every time get on the court I play hard and 100% offensively and defensively and have one common goal and that's to win.  So, whatever it takes for my team to win I do.  I like to create for myself on offense but am always looking for teammates and I like playing defense.

And your go to move would be?

Yes, I really like the pull up jumper, so my mid range game is my strength.

So, you are a bit of a throw back player.  Do you feel that sets you apart from other prospects?

Yes, I believe so because now days the mid range shot is a lost art.  Everybody just wants to be three point shooters and slashers.  I do like to mix it up because I can shoot the three but if you cut me off going to the rim I have that mid range game to fall back on and those are high percentage shots that are hard to [private] stop.

What are your goals with concern to basketball?

My goal right now for highs school is to win the state championship and be a leader, but down the road I want to go to a great division one college that has great academics and basketball.  If I'm blessed enough, I will one day make it to the NBA.

Did you have a dream school growing up?

I was sort of a Duke fan.

Do you pattern your game after any particular players in the pro or college game?

I like Kobe Bryant and watch a lot of his games where I try and, well, you know, it's kind of hard to emulate him, but I try to pick up what I can there.  I like the way he goes to the rim.

So you are a big Lakers fan?

Yes, I like the Lakers.

Now, you recently visited Texas.  Can you tell me how that visit went?

The visit went great and I met with big people down there like the Athletic Director, the president of the school and academic advisers.  I was there with my family and we got a chance to see what Texas was all about and developed a better relationship with the coaches and the players, going to a football game and overall is was great.

Have you had any other unofficial visits in the past or recently?

Yes, I went to Texas A & m, Oklahoma and Oklahoma State.  I have been to Baylor also and I will be going to Duke on October 15th.

So you will be going to Countdown to Craziness.  Are you excited about that?

Oh, yes sir, I am excited about it.  I just want see historic Cameron [Indoor Stadium] and how loud it gets.

Speaking of Duke, let me ask you about ACC schools for those are the ones I normally cover.  Have any other ACC schools been in contact with you besides them.

Yes, I have been contacted by Georgia Tech, North Carolina, Wake Forest, Boston College and Virginia Tech.

Out of these schools which do you have the most interest in?

Who do I have the most interest in out of those schools?  Well, I like Georgia Tech and North Carolina out of those schools ... including Duke.

Are you planning on taking visits to those schools as well?

Um, as of yet I do not have anything planned but I will likely visit those schools.

Do you have a timeline for the process and making a decision?

As of now I am just talking with my family, so we'll make a decision when it feels right.

Will your parents be most influential in your decision or will you talk to coaches or others for input?

My parents will be most influential in my decision and also my high school coach Wayne Jones who has been a mentor in my life.  Those are the main people I will share and make my decision with.

Do you enjoy the recruiting process?

Yes sir,  it is really an inspiration to have so many great coaches call and want to talk to me, so I am really enjoying the process.

Back to Duke, who have you been talking with from there?

I first got contact from Duke from Nate James and we've developed a really good relationship through calls or messaging and he's been to my school once to see me.  And then Coach Wojo came to my school this past Monday.

I guess you're looking forward to meeting Coach K next week?

Oh, yes sir.  I talked to him on the phone about two weeks ago and I was very excited to speak with him and he said he couldn't wait for me to come down there and meet, so that really made my day.

If you visited say a North Carolina or Duke and they just blew you away, would you think about committing with somebody early?  What kind of school do you like and what kind of feeling do you need to have from a school to know you want to go there?

Well, if I take a great liking to a school I will greatly consider them and a committment, but like the trip to Duke, I'll be going there by myself.  The school I want to commit to I want my parents to consider as well.  So, I don't want to do it before my parents can see the campus and develop a relationship with the coaches.

You will have five official visits, do you think you will take all of those?

Right now, I'd say yes, but that might change in the future.

What are you like off the court ... tell me a little about yourself as a person?

Well, I take my academics seriously and have a 3.71 GPA.  Off the court, I just like hanging out but when I am free I generally work out and try to get better at my game.

Have you thought about what you might like to take in school?

Yes, possibly business or business management, but we'll see.

Can you give me a list of schools that have actually offered?

Yes, UT [Texas], Texas A & M, Baylor, Memphis, Indiana, Oregon State, Arizona, Georgia Tech, um ...

So, quite a few?

Yes sir.  I am sure I left out a few.

And there are several schools showing interest ...

Oh yes.  Kansas has been showing a lot of interest.  Coach Dooley and Coach Manning have been visited me this year and Coach Self is going to make it down to see me practice.  I've been hearing a lot from Kansas, Marquette, Georgia Tech, Stanford and also got an offer from Stanford or will be accepted if I apply.

How do you handle so many heavy hitters now getting involved in the process?

Well, I see it as a blessing and I just have to remain humble and keep working on my game for them to keep showing interest in me.  It's challenging because you don't want to get big headed, but just being around my family keeps me grounded.  I just keep working because I haven't done anything yet.  I am just a high school basketball player trying to make a name for myself.

When did you first learn your basketball skills?

I have been playing this game since I was two, shooting on the little Fisher Price goals. When I was four that was the first time I played organized basketball with six year olds.  I work out with my Dad and in the fourth grade I started to working out with a trainer and he is still with me.

Wow!  That's a long time and some serious work. So, your Dad kind of taught you your skill set?

He's kind of like a rebounder when I put up a lot of shots.

Did he play basketball?

No, he actually played soccer but he was a very big basketball fan.  He's from Nigeria so when he came here to the states he started taking an interest in basketball.

I see.  Nigeria has produced a lot of really good soccer players at the college level and beyond here.

He came here in the eighties and lived in New York but we moved down here to Houston.  He likes the Knicks.

So, there is no real time table at this point?

Yes sir, I feel like I might make a decision about this time next year, my senior year.

Tell me a bit about your high school team and the coming season.

Two years ago we had a really good team and lost in the state semi finals and last year we made a big strong push in the playoffs and fell just short of going to state.  From that team we lost three guys, so we'll have some experience this year after being very  young a year ago.  We'll have to work hard.  Our only disadvantage this year will be our height but we have a lot of guards who can shoot and defend.

Will you be forced to play more in the paint?

I'm still going to play the one and the two but on defense I will probably have to be on the block on zone, so I will be called on to rebound more this year.

What position do you see yourself playing in college?

Uh, you know, I just see myself as a good combo guard because I feel comfortable playing the point or off guard spot.  Whatever position a coach wants me to play, I'll feel comfortable playing.

You said you were in a tournament the other night the other night, right?

Yes, actually there is an article on the event on ESPN, an article by John Stovall I think?  It was called the Super 16 Extravaganza.

I appreciate your time and we'll check back in with you down the road.  You sound like a really good kid, grounded, talented and wherever you ultimately decide to go to school, I am sure you'll succeed.

Well, thank you sir, I really appreciate that and I hope you have a good night.

The bottom line - In my opinion Duke has the inside track on Sulaimon early on and if the visit to CTC blows him away - and it likely will - I would not be surprised if his parents didn't make a return trip in short time if he is offered.  The mere fact that Wojo went to see him after James might be Coach K's way of seeking more input and approval.  I am not privy to what Wojo saw, but Coach K did make the call and this a player they are seriously considering.  He is often compared to Daniel Ewing and I have only beamed in on his game three times on the AAU circuit.  That said, I do not feel I can give you a solid take in that you are all aware of my five view rule before making a strong analysis.  In short, I like to see a prospect play in a variety of situations, fresh, tired and such.  Sulaimon will follow up with BDN after his visit and we'll have an even better idea of what Krzyzewski thinks of the young, high character prospect.  Some might call him a good program kid, but his work ethic could make him much more than that.  Sulaimon beamed when talking about Duke and I approached him as Sports Nation Network in order to get straight answers, but I did tip my hand and tell him the interview would go on a Duke site once finished.  It'll be fun to watch and see how this one develops and we'll keep you informed along the way. Also, FTR, his name is pronounced as it looks "sul - lay - mon."[/private]

BDN checks in with Duke Prospect Rodney Purvis

If you ask anyone in the recruiting world who Rodney Purvis is, they will all know the name.  Purvis, a 2013 stud prospect, has been turning heads for quite awhile now.  Armed with the ability to get into the lane at will, Rodney has secured himself thus far as a top 5 prospect among the different recruiting services.  The talented guard is receiving interest from anyone and everyone and it’s no wonder when you see the skills he brings to the court.  Purvis, a North Carolina native, got a chance to stop by Duke and take a visit and in turn, received himself a scholarship offer from the reigning national champions.  BDN got a chance to speak with the talented youngster, here is what he had to say.

BDN: You have a great knack for getting into the lane, is working on your handle something you do a lot?

RP: Yes I work on my handles a lot actually and I’m trying to make the change to being a point guard. [private]

BDN: What are some other things you work on?

RP: I work a lot on my shooting and passing.  I have a trainer so I do a lot of strength and conditioning as well.

BDN: What are colleges recruiting you as?

RP: Most colleges are recruiting me as a point guard but also telling me I can play the two also.

BDN: Now you are trying to make the transformation, but do you have a preference on position?

RP: Na I really don’t.  I really don’t mind playing either one.

BDN: Where do you like to catch the ball?

RP: Usually from the wing or the top of the key is where I like it.

BDN: Do you have a go-to move?

RP: (laughs) Na I got a variety of moves.

BDN: How long have you been playing basketball for?

RP: I’ve been playing for about 4-5 years now.

BDN: What would you say is a strength of your game right now?

RP: Definitely slashing and getting into the lane and creating for me or one of my teammates.

BDN: How about something you need to work on?

RP: I’d probably say my shooting right now.  I work on it a lot though.

BDN: At this stage of your career is your defense where you’d like it to be?

RP: I’ve been playing against better competition my whole life and I’ve guarded some of the best players around. On the defensive end I can get better but right now I am where I think I should be.

BDN: How do you think you played this summer?

RP: I think I played pretty well, I think I could have finished a little better, but I think I did pretty well overall.

BDN: What schools are coming at you the hardest right now?

RP: Wake Forest, Duke, Texas, Kentucky, Louisville, Memphis, North Carolina and Xavier.

BDN: You’ll be visiting Xavier soon, correct?

RP: Yea I’ll be heading down there this weekend.

BDN: Now you also recently dropped into Duke.  Who did you get to talk with and what did you get to do?

RP: Yea I got to speak with Coach K with my family in his office.  The whole coaching staff was there also.  We got to talk for about forty-five minutes to an hour.

BDN: Did you get to tour any facilities?

RP: Na we didn’t.  We went into the gym and got to see the players play for a little bit, but I had to leave after.

BDN: You also received an offer from Duke as well, can you talk about that?

RP: Yea after talking with Coach K, my AAU coach talked to Coach Wojo afterwards, and he just told me I had received a scholarship from Duke University.

BDN: Have you formed any relationships with the coaches?

RP: Yea yea I’ve talked to Coach Nate James a lot, kind of on a weekly basis sort of. I call him a lot and talk to him.  He’s really a great guy.

BDN: You’ll be making the trip to Durham again soon for Countdown to Craziness.

RP: Yes I will be. I’m really anxious to see how that goes. They probably have one of the best crowds in the country so I’m waiting to see how that goes.

BDN: Appreciate your time, Rodney.

RP: Thanks, take care. [/private]

BDN interviews Austin Rivers – “Duke was the place for me and I knew it, so I made the calls”

BDN just spoke to an elated Austin Rivers about his decision to go to Duke. All the details await members of BDN Premium - BDN Photo

The Blue Devil Nation is on cloud nine today for Austin Rivers made the decision to cancel the remaining visits to Kansas and North Carolina to sign with the Duke Blue Devils.  BDN wasted little time in getting the details and we share his interview in his own word with the members of Blue Devil Nation Premium.  It's a great time to join! We decided to let our members hear [private] the raw recording as is for we want you to personally hear his excitement and his words for yourself.

Just press play -

More to come for members of BDN Premium. [/private]

The wait is over! Austin Rivers is a Duke Blue Devil (U)

Rivers will play his college basketball for Coach K in Durham.

How refreshing is it to see one of the nations very best commit and not do so on ESPN or Skype?  Well, that's what Austin Rivers did when he called the Blue Devils to tell them it's time to get this done.  Austin Rivers will be a Duke Blue Devil next season and he joins Marshall Plumlee. Michael Gbinije and Tyler Adams in what will surely be one of the highest ranked recruiting classes in the country.  We've remained confident that Rivers would be a Blue Devil since last July, but all fans wanted so badly for it to be official and now it is.

Rivers is the son of Boston Celtics coach Doc Rivers and rated by many as the top player in his class.  He has all the tools to play at every level in basketball and his annoucment that he will comer to Durham is grand reason for Duke fans to be excited.  Rivers decided to cancel visits to Kansas and Duke's arch rival North Carolina and Duke fans can give him a warm welcome at Countdown to Craziness on October the 15th where some tickets still remain.

BDN Premium will have more on his decision coming, so stay tuned to BDN for the latest on Duke's most recent blue chip prospect signing.