Tag Archives: Duke Basketball Recruiting News

Q & A with star 2013 prospect Rodney Purvis

One of the kids who is already considered a star from the class of 2013 is Rodney Purvis [6-2,170 PG] who plays his high school ball for Upper Room in Raleigh, North Carolina.

How would you describe your game in your own words?

I'm real unselfish and like to get to the basket and dish out to my teammates.

Now, you're close to the youngest guy here. 

Yes sir, 2013.  I just turned 16. [private]

What are you like off the court?

Outgoing, like to have fun, hang out with friends, all the right things.

Where did you learn your basketball skills?

They just came along.  I was growing up and playing in my grandma's backyard and somebody said, hey this kid can play and people started working with me.

And what do you think of the camp to date?

I'm honored to be here, first and foremost.  I'm kind of used to it now, playing with older players, so it aint nothing ...

And where do you play in high school?

Upper Room in Raleigh, North Carolina. 

Did have a dream school growing up?

Carolina because they were always the best school and I'm a big Vince Carter fan.

What schools have shown interest to date?

Carolina, Duke, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest offered me, VCU, Xavier and Baylor have offered me ...

A lot of people coming at you early ...


You mentioned Carolina as a dream school, does that leave Duke out?

Naw, I'm open to both of them.

What do you like about UNC?

The tradition.  The winning tradition they have and their history.  Coach Roy, he's a great coach.

And what about Duke?

Same thing.  There's nothing you can dislike about them.

Have you ever been to games or visited either school?

Yes, I went to Carolina when they played Miami and I went to the Duke Elite Camp.

How are your grades these days?

I'm always on A-B honor roll, but I'm trying to get principles list.

Good job!  There have been a lot of really good players  come out of the triangle of late.  Do you want to follow in the footsteps of say a John Wall or ...

Yes, yes.

What are your goals in life?

I'd like to play in the NBA.  Most people just want to be in the NBA but I actually want to be good in the NBA - a great player.

What are the strengths of your game?

Getting to the basket and being able to dish to my teammates.

And what do you need to work on?

My pull up or mid range jump shot.

What position will you play for your high school team this season?

Uhm, everywhere.  It helps me because I'm forced to do some things.  With my high School team I'm the leader, but when playing in AAU for CP3, I'm playing with older guys, so I take a backseat, but I'm prepared to take a leadership role.

I know it's a long ways to go at your age, but any idea when you would like to make a college choice?

It'll be a last minute thing.  I'll take all five official visits but will likely decide late.

Who will be involved with that choice?

My mom, coaches, family and whatever God has planned for me is what I'll go with.

So if your dream school UNC offered would you jump?

No.  I'll wait it out.

A lot of kids end up at schools they rooted against.  What if you were to sign with Duke?

[laughs] I'd be hated in North Carolina.

What did you take away from the camp?

I just got better in every area mentally and on the court.

Thanks for your time. [/private]

Checking in with prospect Norman Powell

We continue our coverage from this past weekends NBAPA Top 100 Camp by getting to know west coast prospect Norman Powell.

Norman, you're one of the top prospects in the country here at the NBAPA Camp.  Can you talk about the experience thus far?

The experience here so far?  I really like it, you learn the little stuff which helps you get to the next level because the competition is as good as you are.  So you try and learn the little things which make you better.  I'm getting a lot out of the skills development.  Every time there is a chance I can get in the gym, I'm in there.  Working with a coach or trainer or whoever, I am in the gym two or three times a day.

Suppose somebody had never seen you play.  How would you describe your game in your own words?

I'm a fast break guy, athletic, contribute, create, score, drive and kick, aggressive, loves to go to the basket.

Let's talk about the recruiting process for a moment.  What schools are seeking your services at this time?

Right now?  Arizona State, Arizona, UCLA, USC, UTEP, Washington State, Kansas and Oregon.

That's a lot of west coast schools.  Would you ever consider going east?

Yes, yeah.

Are you interested in any ACC schools?

I'm actually interested to see if Duke is interested in me.  I'm trying to work very hard and get them interested.  So maybe they would offer me sometime soon.

Have you talked to anyone from Duke?

Not yet.  The communication goes through my AAU and high school coach.

When will you get serious about your collegiate decision?

After July.  I don't plan to make a decision until after my senior season.  I'll wait and see what develops.

Do you watch or pattern your game after and players be it NBA or college?

Kobe, LeBron, Jennings, Wall, the main players.  I just want to develop my skills.

Growing up it was USC. My uncle is a big USC fan as is my family.

Really my uncle got me in the gym working out.  I wasn't that good growing up but I kept working and have a feel for the game.  He worked on getting me trainers and getting me into AAU.   That's what I consider my love for the game.

Do you have what you consider to be a go-to move?

Tim Hardaway step back, three in the face.

Five seconds left in the game, your team down two, the ball in your hands.  What are you going to do?

Top of the key.  It goes in no matter what, I practice and hit that shot all the time.

A little background ...

I grew up in San Diego, Cali.  I love competition going at people.  I don't ever back down, bigger, smaller, bring it, caring, open to learn.  It's school first and basketball second.  I am in a study group and my mom works wi.h me.

Thanks for your time and good luck.


Coming - Marcus Paige, Perry Ellis, Rodney Purvis [/private]

One on one with prospect Anthony Davis

Anthony Davis - BDN Photo

Anthony Davis is a Chicago native whose uncle taught him the game of basketball in grammar school.  The budding prospect has been getting better ever since.  Davis is coveted for his versatility and some of the nation's top schools are after him.  In an one on one interview during the NBAPA Top 100 Camp, Davis sat down to chat with BDN.

You have two games under your belt and have been participating in drills.  What have you learned thus far in the camp?

It's been a great experience so far with some of the players past and present and they're teaching me a lot of things post wise and shooting wise.  Since I was a guard last year being 6-2 or 6-3.  I always had my guard skills where I can dribble and shoot.  So they're trying to teach me more ball handling as a big because if you're a big that can shoot and dribble, you can score.  A lot of bigs here don't have that same skill set..

Describe your game for those who have not seen you play in your own words?

Tayshaun Prince.  A lot of people compare me to Kevin Durant because I'm a big guy long and lanky who can really shoot the ball and get up and down the floor.  The person I work out with, we do a lot of Kevin Durrant skills work, like stepping through the man on the post to create space to where your shots are not contested.

Are you [private] still growing?  You had quite the growth spurt this past year.

A lot of people say I may end up 7-0, but I don't know if that'll be the case.

And your list of schools are?

Kentucky, Ohio State, Duke, North Carolina, Kansas and Kansas State.  All have offered except Duke and North Carolina, they want to see me in July at the Peach Jam and that's when they'll offer.

Did you have a dream school growing up?

No, not really.  I watched the Big Ten and Big East growing up and I followed Illinois while growing up.  I know a couple of the guys who went there and me and my cousins pulled for them back in the day, but now I watch a lot of schools play to see how they play and how they might use me.

Will distance play a role in your decision?

Actually it would.  I don't want to be more than 6 or 7 hours from home.

So that might eliminate schools like Duke or North Carolina?

Not really.  When I take a visit down there if I really like it and could see myself being there it wouldn't effect my decision at all.  There are some schools, you know, that I'm wishy-washy about, but not so much them.

What are you looking for in a school?

First they need to have my major, sports management because you have to have something to fall back on because basketball doesn't last forever.  Also, the population, I want to go to a big school.

What about a coach?  What are you looking for from him?

Good background for building a squad to be a national championship caliber team.

Obviously you have your eyes on the next level of college hoops and then the NBA.  What position do you feel you might play?

I would say a three or four, maybe a three.   It doesn't matter really, I'll just be happy to be there for the opportunity.

What is Anthony Davis like off the hardwood?

I'm a fun guy to be around, way cool and all and most people think I'm fun to be around but I really just play a lot of basketball with other players.

Do you consider yourself a hard worker?

Yes, I work on my game almost everyday.  One day I go into the weight room and the next day put up some shots.  I'll try and hit the weight room a lot this summer.

I'm from ACC country.  You list Duke and UNC.  Your thoughts on the two schools?

North Carolina has a great program.  They produce a lot of NBA players and Duke, they do the same thing.  They both like to get up and down and they both fit the way I play.  They like to go inside out and Duke allows freedom and they do too.  They're both really good.

Do you look at or are you concerned with other players your list of schools are recruiting?

Not really.  I just want to see whats best for me.  They're not recruiting just me but other people to build a championship caliber team.  I want to win a championship before I leave college.

College or Pro basketball.  Which do you watch most?

Pro, I like the NBA.  I was pulling for the Celtics because I don't pull for Kobe Brynat, but it's good he got another championship, so ...  they had a lot of character coming back and Kobe resalized he needed his team to win, he couldn't do it on his own and he made adjustments.

Five second left down by one.  Are you the kind of player that wants the ball in his hands?

I am, but if I'm going to the hoop with two seconds left and I see an open man with a higher percentage shot I'm going to get it to him.  It's all about trust.

When will you get serious about deciding where you will play your college ball?

At the end of July toward the end of Peach Jam.  I expect to make a decision shortly after that before my high school season.

Where does Anthony Davis go from here?

I go to the Kevin Durrant Camp and the LeBron camp, a Nike Camp and then the Peach Jam.

Thanks for your time and good luck with the recruiting process.

Ahem, thank you. [/private]

One on One with 2012 Duke prospect Kaleb Tarczewski

Kaleb Tarczewski throws down a dunk at the NBAPA Top 100 Camp. Become a trial member and read this in depth interview with a rising prospect. Photo property of Rick Crank and Blue Devil Nation

CHARLOTTESVILLE - One of the big men garnering attention in the class of 2012 is St. Marks Kaleb Tarczewski who is looking like a true post player.  By that, I mean he is penciled in by most as a center.  Tarczewski first caught my eye in Orlando during last season AAU Nationals where he scored 28 point in a game where my intent was to watch Alex Murphy for the first time.  Since that time, it was clear to me that he had a great deal of potential and one thing for certain is that you cannot teach height.  I saw Tarczewski again during the Tournament of Champions and it was clear that he has a lot of potential if he continues to work hard.  Coming from a solid AAU program and having good high school coaching will certainly aid the process and it's no longer a secret that he is being sought after by the likes of Kansas and Duke.  Having talked with Tarczewski a couple of times prior to this past weekend, he is comfortable with me which is evident in the following in depth interview.

Kaleb, you're of course in the class of 2012 and play with another Duke prospect in Alex Murphy in AAU ball and at St. Marks as well.  We're here at the NBAPA Top 100 Camp and I'd like to know what it's like to play in a structured camp like this?

I was kind of nervous on the plane ride down here and this is one of the biggest events I've been to and it obviously has some of the best player in the country.  Being younger than everyone is kind of nerve racking but I've calmed down a little bit and just want to play some good basketball.

You just had a pretty good game and went up against Isaiah Austin and Tyler Adams.  What was it like playing against them?

I've played against Austin before in an AAU game so I knew how he would play.  You've just got to go out there and work harder than your opponent and you'll be fine.

Each time I've seen you progress is evident and I like that you don't back down inside.  Is that just inherit to you or your nature so to speak?

Yeah, I mean I love fighting on the block and that's what I do and I know that's what I need to do to be successful and I'm willing to do that.

The last time I saw you was at the Tournament of Champions Event.  What have you been doing since that time?

I went to the [private] Kansas Elite Camp and I got to work with Danny Manning and that was really,  really good.  We went over work angles and working the post and that was a great experience and I've been working a lot at home with Coach Carrol as well.

Kansas is high on your list, right?


And they've been recruiting you the longest?

They kind of started this spring, so it hasn't been too long.

Are any other schools coming in?

Yeah, tons of schools.  I've gotten so many calls the past few days so it's really opening up.  I don't really have a list yet.  It's very early in the process.

When you do make a decision who will play a role in that?

I kind of have a lot of people.  My basketball family has gotten pretty big.  Alex's Dad, Mr. Murphy, he's really gotten into this so he's going to really be effecting my decision.  Mitchell Lubick, my high school coach at St. Mark's and my sponsor T.J. and my family too.

And you're really tight with Alex as well, right?

Yeah.  Me and Alex have become pretty good friends,  We've been playing AAU ball together for two and a half years now.  Right when I started out playing, he was always there and of course, we go to school together.

Have you been hearing from any ACC schools of late?

Yeah, Duke and Virginia.  I talked to Coach K and talked to Virginia.  I will be going to Boston College's Elite Camp.  When we were in Atlanta, Georgia Tech showed interest and I got to meet their coaches.

Do you think you'll take all five official visits?

Yeah, most likely.  I want to see as many schools as I can and traveling with AAU helps me do that.

Now, you told me last time you've only been watching college basketball for one year, is that right?

Yeah, just this past year.  It's kind of new to me so it's hard to make a decision until I become more familiar.

So, you'll take your time in the process?


Do you look at schools and how they develop kids for say they next level?

Yeah.  There are so many factors going into a decision.  One of the main factors that's important to me ... I'll go anywhere that I can get better and puts me in the best spot.  I mean, I really don't want to go too far from home but if I have to I will.  So, I'm looking for a place that makes me feel at home.

Is there an early leader?

No, not really.  Obviously, I go to huge school like Kansas and I'm blown away by it and obviously going to a Duke or North Carolina, it's like wow, it would be cool if I went there but you have to still just take a step back and see.

What do you do with your down time away from AAU ball?

[laughs]  I don't really have that much time, especially in the summer.  When I go home, I usually like to go to the beach or hang out with my girlfriend, mow the lawn. [smiling]

Yeah, it must be nice to go to the beach.  I'm out there about as much as you guys are and it's been hard to find time for one of my favorite places.

We're like the west part of New Hampshire, but we have a lake beside us and it's nice, so ...

Tell me something about you that nobody else knows?

Uh, I don't really know ...

Have you played sports other than basketball?

Well, I didn't start playing basketball until the sixth grade, but I didn't play in the seventh and my freshman year in high school, so I haven't really experienced basketball and in New Hampshire it's hard.  Every since I started play basketball I loved it and I stated out playing football with my stepbrother.  When I got taller, I knew basketball was something I could be good at and I really love the game.

You mentioned that you talked with Duke's Coach K earlier.  What did have to say?

It might have been the first day phones opened up [contact period] and he said we really like you and want to get you down here for a visit.

Did that sound good to you?

Oh yeah.  Plus they've got the Polish Coach, so .. [smiling]

Alex is taking a good long Duke as well.  He seems to be pretty high on them, is that what you see as well?

Yeah, Alex is really high on them. They're obviously not only a good basketball school but they are an good academic school as well.

You go to St, Mark's which prepared you well for college.  Is education important to you as well?

Very important.  I have a 4.0 [said with pride], so it's really important to me.  They can't take away your brain if you get injured or hurt, so you always have your brain to fall back on.

That's good thinking on your part.  Have you thought about what you might like to take in college?

Well, I have thought about engineering, but it's what ever the best fit for me is.

Now, Murphy's Dad played in the NBA.  Does he ever give you pointers and talk of what to expect?

Well, he gives me more like skills workouts and stuff like that and we try not to look too far into the future and stuff like that.  I'd never say I was going to for sure be in the NBA, so why bother with this or that.  To be honest, I have so much work to do before I get to that level I try not to think of it.

Well, you're doing a great job.

Thank you very much. [/private]

Michael Gbinije’s shows off his improved game at the NBAPA Camp

Future Duke player Michael Gbinije was the NBAPA Camp's 6th leading scorer and he is constantly improving his skill set. Gbinije talks about Josh Hairston and Kyrie Irving and more in yet another BDN Premium interview from the NBAPA Top 100 Camp. Why not try our trial offer and then decide if full site access is for you. There is still a lot more coming your way for we have just scratched the surface with concerns to this past weekend's coverage. Photo by Rick Crank for the Blue Devil Nation is copyrighted

CHARLOTTESVILLE - One player that showed off his skills at the NBAPA Camp was future Duke player Michael Gbinije.  The first thing I noticed was how much better his on ball defense was but more importantly he didn't have those little quiet stretches he had been previously known for.  The words "stay aggressive," have been pounded into the rising senior by the Duke coach staff and Gbinije is adhering to their advice.  Gbinije is a silent killer, not particularly flashy but brilliantly effective while on the court.  In fact, he finished as the camps 6th leading scorer and he did that playing withing his teams system and his coached concepts.  This is the first of two chats with Gbinije that we are bringing premium members and you are sure to love his comments on Kyrie Irving, his development and his maturity due to a frenetic summer.

How has the camp gone for you thus far?

I missed yesterday due to the Team USA Trials but this morning has gone great.  There has been a lot of good drills and coaching by previous NBA players.

What did you take away from the USA tryouts?

I experienced different things like maturity.  A lot of the players were already in college, so seeing where I fit in and knowing what I need to work on as far as my individual game helps me prepare.

You looked good in transition in your first game, can you speak to that?

The half court sets are pretty much a slow and developed for the bigs but for the guards you're supposed to run out.  That's like the best thing we can do in getting the bigs away from the game and pretty much like put the pressure on the defense which is very important.

Can you talk a bit about the USA tryouts?

It was a three day tryout and[private] on the third day we had a practice in the morning and after that they pretty much picked the team.  It was like 21 people trying out and they kept like 14.

Were you disappointed with not making the squad?

Yeah, I was disappointed but it's alright.

Why did you choose Duke and how do you feel like you'll fit in there?

I think I'm a good fit because  they are perimeter oriented and they use a whole bunch of guards and versatile players where Coach K gives them a lot of freedom on the court.  Another reason is becaue of Coach K.  I just think he's the best coach now and  he knows how to put players in a situation to win.

Have you talked to anyone from the Duke staff of late?

I talked to Coach K on the phone before going out to San Antonio.  He told me just to play hard and play my best.

What are your goals the rest of the way at the NBAPA Top 100 Camp?

Try not to lose anymore games but at the same time play aggressive and my best.

You played with future Duke players Kyrie Irving and Josh Hairston.  What was that like?

Kyrie is going to be one of the best point guards and he knows how to get everybody involved and he can do it for his size to.

That was a broad smile when you spoke of Irving.

Yeah.  I can't forget about Josh.  He knows the game and sets a lot of screens, his IQ is very good.

What do you like about Irving?

There is nothing like an unselfish point guard.  He knows where you're going to be when he drives and can kick out to create easy buckets for people.

We will have another Q & A session coming with Gbinije. [/private]

Top prospect Amile Jefferson wants to improve his game

Amile Jefferson surveys the defense at the NBAPA Top 200 Camp In Charlottesville, Virginia - BDN Photo

CHARLOTTESVILLE - BDN continues to churn  out interviews with the nations top prospects who talk of their experiences during the NBAPA Top 100 Camp which was held in Charlottesville on the Virginia campus this past weekend.  Already posted are Q & A's with Tyler Adams and Marshall Plumlee and there is much more to come.

What is it like to be invited to and play in the NBAPA Top 100 camp?

It's definitely an honor to be here with all these great players and talent around.  An not only that, but the coaches around here make you want to sponge in as much as you can in the time that I'm here.

Who are the schools that have offered thus far?

Penn State, Villanova,Temple, Stanford, West Virginia, Wake Forest, Georgetown and LaSalle have been in contact a lot and the last few day I got to speak with most of them personally, talking to the coaches and hearing about their programs.

Did you have a dream school growing up or one which you would love to go to?

No, I don't, I don't.  I just want to be at a school where I fit in and a school that wants to win not just one year but every year so right now I'm kind of wide open.

Did any of the ACC schools contact you after the Tournament of Champions event in North Carolina?

Yes.  I believe UNC contacted my high school coach on the days that they could call.  Schools like that are prestigious you know and the top programs and to be at one of those schools like Duke or Carolina would be an honor.

What do you want to work on with concerns to your game?

Definitely ball handling and shooting.  These guys who've played professional ball have a few tricks up their sleeve and can get open, not only with strong moves but being quicker.  So they're showing us not only how to move but how to swipe through with floppy cuts and just to learn those little tricks and work on them until I can do it as good as they can.

You knocked down two three point shots in the last game.  Is that something you've worked on.

It's definitely a work in progress but it's coming along and it's getting better and that's what I wanted to see.  I kind of want to shy away from the three point line and hit the mid range jump shot because I feel they are more effective.  And after you hit a few of those, you can get into the lane more and draw some fouls.

What do you hope to accomplish during the coming  high school season?

My goal next year is to be a leader and my coach wants me to be a captain of the team next year and that is something I take pride in.  Next year I want to be a leader and want to win.

What areas of your game need the most improvement?

Definitely dribbling and or ball handling and strength.  I'm not all that big so I wan to get stronger and get my body where it needs to be.  I plan on getting my legs stronger and everything for that matter, so that I can be even more athletic.

When did you first know that basketball was for you?

I first learned I loved the game of basketball when playing for my AAU coach Cedric Jones, a great guy.  He spends his money to get us at tournaments and for someone who spends their money just to get kids out of the city, well that means a lot.  Those guys that I started out playing with in the fifth grade are my friends to this day and I'm blessed for that.  When I first started AAU ball that when I knew it was something I loved and that basketball was something I wanted to get better at.  I know I'm not there yet, but I have a lot of work to do and I will put in the work to get there. [/private]