Tag Archives: Duke Basketball Recruiting News

One on one with hot Duke prospect Alex Murphy

Andre Slater has another in depth interview up on BDN Premium, this time with Duke prospect Alex Murphy - BDN Photo

At 6'8" Alex Murphy is one of the most coveted recruits in the class of 2012, due to his unique mix of skill, basketball acumen, and athleticism. The son of 6'11" former NBA veteran Jay Murphy, who coaches him along with former Celtics coach John Carroll for the New England Playaz,  and  his wife, Paivi, a 5'4" former Finnish National point guard and ex-Swedish league pro, Alex has been bred to be a difficult match-up on the court. After a thirty point outing against Quincy Miller and D-One Sports, Murphy spoke with Blue Devil Nation about his recent offer from Duke, his relationship with both Kaleb Tarczewski and Shabazz Muhammad, and the comparisons between the rising junior and his older brother Erik of the Florida Gators

Can you talk about your match-up with Quincy Miller?

Yeah, it was a good match-up. He's a tough player. Anytime you get a chance to play against somebody like that in the first round of a tournament it's a challenge, but luckily we came out on top this time.

What schools are coming after you the hardest right now?

Duke, Florida, Arizona, Kansas, Syracuse, Butler, Kentucky, North Carolina, Texas, and Boston College

Do you have a timeframe for when you'd like to decide by?

I don't. Not yet.

Where have you visited so far and what do you have planned for the future?

I visited Florida last year. I just visited Duke when I was down there for a tournament. I've been to Boston College. I've been to UConn as well. Hopefully, I'll be able to visit all of the places I haven't been that are still on my list, but we'll see.

Is there a player that you try to model your game after?

Well, Kevin Durant is my favorite player in the league, but guys like Mike Dunleavy [private] and Mike Miller are a little bit closer to my game.

They're about your height as well.

Yeah, and I think they have similar games too.

What are you looking for ideally whenever you do decide?

Whatever best fits me. A program that I help from day 1 and do whatever I can and in return ultimately helps get  me to the next level and do what I want to do.

Who will you be seeking guidance from?

My family primarily and also from some of the guys with this program.

St. Mark's as well?

Oh, yes, absolutely. I'll definitely be talking with my coach there, Dave Lubick. He's family as well. Well, he's basically family anyway.

What are your strengths and weaknesses at this point?

Well, one thing I think I need to improve upon is my strength.

I think that's one of the things that you have noticeably improved upon already to a degree.

Yeah, well, I have because I was, for the most part, home during the month of June so I was lifting or working out. I feel like I'm already stronger than I was before and can deal much better with a physical opponent. I'm looking forward to hopefully putting on some weight.

Drinking some protein drinks?

Exactly, exactly

That moves to a later question. Do you do a lot of strength and conditioning right now?

Oh, yeah, I lift about three times per week and I'm in the gym working out almost every day. So I try to keep it balanced between basketball and getting my body into great shape.

Obviously, your not fat. So I didn't mean to get on you about hitting a treadmill or something

(Laughs) No, no

Before I forget, what do you feel is your strength or what you can bring to a program?

Oh, I think the way I think and my ability to make others around me better.

Definitely, a high basketball IQ

Yeah, and I think I can pass well, dribble, shoot, have a high basketball IQ, and, like i said, make others around me better.

Who's the toughest player you've faced so far, either at St. Mark's or in AAU competition?

Oh, I think I'm going to have to say that, during my freshman year at St. Mark's, we played Findlay Prep and they had Avery Bradley. He was just a first round draft pick so I think I'd have to go with him.

That league and the schedules that you play have improved so much. Well, at least during my lifetime. It used to be such an easy league, but now it's improved.

Yeah, it has. The out of league schedule helps us too.  We actually played Quincy and Quality Education during the season.

Oh, yeah, where was that?

It was down in Georgia. He beat us in double-overtime though, but we got him back today.

In terms of your goals for this summer..

Just win. That's all I want to accomplish this month is to win and keep playing. Just keep playing games. The rest of it will take care of itself.

You play with Kaleb both here and at Saint Mark's. Naturally, people are going to be curious if you guys have talked about playing together in college and, if so, how important would that be to you? You've both put yourself in a position where you will have many options. I know it can sometimes be an awkward issue.

Yeah, absolutely, but we're like best friends. We sometimes talk about it. We live like right next to each other at school. We're always together.

You guys both dorm at your school, right?

Yeah, yeah, but we don't live in the same room together. He lives right next door.

Talk about the preparation you receive at St. Mark's and how you think it might benefit you in your transition to college, both academically and from a basketball perspective.

Well, number one, it's a small school and academically real tough. From a basketball perspective, we play in a small league, but we play against a lot of fifth-years and other quality players.

And facing Nate (Lubick) and Erik (Murphy) in practice everyday had to have advanced your game. Where do you like to catch it?

Yeah, they did. Um, I like to catch it on the break more than anything else. I love to play up-and-down. So, transition basketball is my thing. just getting out there and getting easy buckets while the defense is trying to figure things out. Easy baskets, man.

Can you talk about your recent visit to Duke?

It was really good. We sat down with the coaching staff for a little while. We got to talk about

(Interrupted by an Adidas guy telling us we needed to move to a different area of the gym)

(Resuming) What was your reaction to the offer?

It was exciting. As you know, they don't just offer anybody out here. They're selective. It was really cool, but it was also motivation for me to come out here and keep playing as hard as ever. To continue to do what I've been doing, but also to push myself even more.

What do you think is your range right now? Where do you feel comfortable shooting it?

As long as it's a clean catch, I feel comfortable. I feel I can shoot the three pretty well.

Can you give a scouting report on both Kaleb and Shabazz Muhammad?

Yeah, well, I know Kaleb really well because we're together all of the time. He's my high school teammate and my roommate. He's been playing well and, if he continues to work, the sky is the limit for him. I'm really close with Shabazz too. We talk a lot. He's a real good kid too.

Yeah, he's a very nice kid to deal with off of the court and a killer on it.

Absolutely, he's a tremendous player. We met through Adidas Nations initially I think, but, yeah, he's great both on and off the court. I talk to him all of the time.

Genetically or otherwise, just how much of an advantage or impact  do you think it is in having a mother who was a professional point guard in Europe and and a  dad who was able to play in the NBA on you, Erik, and Tomas?

Yeah, I mean just everybody plays in our family. It's something we do and have fun doing. It's definitely an advantage. We're all pretty good athletically. It's just something I've grown accustomed to.

Do you know Tom Konchalski?

Oh, yeah, absolutely.

We're close and he had said that he thought you would be a good interview because you were more of an extrovert, to use his phrase, than Erik?

Yeah, I guess I am.

Can you talk about the similarities and differences between the three Murphy brothers?

Sure, when Erik was younger, he would always play inside. When we were growing up, we were always around the same size. When I was younger, my father would always try to have me play point guard, particularly when I was real young. I think it helped me develop more ball-handling skills than Erik. He's sort of worked his way out  and developed and I've sort of worked my way in and developed.

For those that haven't had the opportunity to see you play, please describe your game to them.

I think I'm a versatile player. I think that I can play inside and out, depending upon the match-ups. I usually like to take the smaller guys inside. With the big guys, I feel comfortable taking them off of the dribble or shooting right over them, if they don't want to come out.

You mentioned before about your development as an inside player. How comfortable are you playing inside for short spots or grabbing boards?

I've worked hard on both dimensions, but I feel like I can play inside. That said, I feel I can still improve substantially. I'm not done improving, by any means.

(The interview concluded abruptly as the team had to rush off) [/private]



BDN gets answers to burning questions from Austin Rivers during our coverage of the Nike Peach Jam

Austin Rivers talks with BDN's Mark Watson at the Nike Peach Jam - photo BDN

Austin Rivers was the morning's high scorer with 29 points during the first day of the Nike EYBL Peach Jam in Augusta, South Carolina,  Recent diary entries brought about a lot of questions and Duke and UNC fans wanted answers.  Well, BDN wasted little time in acquiring them right away.  Check out the following lengthy interview and stay tuned to BDN for real time updates on our premium members message board.  With Andrew Slater's in depth Shabazz Muhammad interview and now this one, BDN is quite simply the place to be for the best coverage out there.  Check out our trial offer which last just 24 more hours or go ahead and get the best value by joining for a year.  Check out our coverage of the prospects you want the hear from and our in person analysis of the events.  After all, you have to get out here and see the prospects to be able to talk about them, right?

So, what is your list of schools?

Duke, North Carolina, Florida, Kansas and Kentucky.  Those are the five I had and those are the ones here watching me right now.

You decided to push your decision back ...

Basically I just want to see how people do this year at the schools I'm looking at.  I'm just going to wait for the college season to start and watch a little bit of the ball and after a couple of weeks or so, make my decision.  I feel like it is important to me to just wait a little bit longer.  I'm looking for playing time and want to come in and impact the team.  I want to play for a team that goes up and down and attack.

Have you talked with UNC lately?

I talked to [private] Roy Williams a couple of times but it's been a couple of months since he called but when I was playing for Team USA I was out of touch.

You mentioned Harrison Barnes and Kyrie Irving in your latest diary entry, can you speak of those two?

Well, I'm friends with Harrison Barnes but we don't talk on the phone or anything like that.  I'm real good friends with Kyrie but not because he goes to Duke.  I've been playing with him at these camps from the start, so I have developed a good relationship there.  I'm also friends with Kendall Marshall and my best friends are Marshall, Kobongo and Irving.

Your Dad said you would slow down in the AAU tournaments and take in the Showcase but not the AAU Nationals.

Yeah, just the Nike Showcase.  I just felt like I needed a break and just want to get stronger but after being in LA and with Team USA for 13 days and here ... that should be enough for the summer.

So, there really isn't a timetable.  Will you just make a decision when it feels right?

Basically, yeah.  When it comes to mind and I feel like it and know that this is the school for me I will make the decision.

Do you plan to take a visit to UNC?

I do plan on taking a visit North Carolina in late August right before school starts because I haven't been up there and later on that year we'll see if they get another visit.  I might then go to Kentucky.

Will you vist Duke as well on that trip?

Probably, because they are eight miles apart and it's the right thing to do.  I went to Duke a couple of months back but not North Carolina, so this will be like a double header.

Does it upset you that some coaches are not here to watch you from the five schools you mentioned?

I don't like them less or more because of this.  I like them and I hope they feel the same way because I am interested in them.

What is it like playing in front of coaches?

I try to block it and not try to change my game when they are here.  I'm just trying to win

Do you like it when coaches come to watch you?

Yeah, it shows that they are interested in me and that they want to recruit me.  I don't know who was here today.

The Duke coaches were the only ones here.

Really?  I like that Coach K was here to see me.

A while back people considered Duke to be the favorite.  Some are saying that has changed and that you have cooled a bit on them.

I have an interest in a lot of schools right now.  I have the best relationship with Florida and Duke because I have been recruited by them the longest, but Carolina, Kentucky and Kansas are in the picture and I am not favoring anybody right now.  I really haven't even talked to my father about it and he doesn't even know.  I really don't know where I am going yet.  Right after AAU starts that's when I will sit down with my family and coach and figure out whats best for me.

Do internet rumors bug you?

I just laugh at people who tell me like I am going overseas to play and stuff like that.  The internet really confuses people sometimes.

Your parents are here to support you ...

Yeah they do a lot to support me, especially my mom.  She is the person that keeps the family together and my Dad really keeps busy with his job.

So, mom is the rock?

Yeah, shes the rock, the man of the hours really.

You mentioned relationships with other coaches, would you like to build more of them?

Yes, yes.  I would like to build relationships with Coach Calipari and Coach Self.

You do not seem as dependent on your outside shot in game one like you have in the past.

Yeah, I've tried to mix it up a little bit.  I have a really good right hand floater and a left hand floater, I've been working on that.  You will see me use that throughout the tournament.

Which school has been recruiting you aggressively in the past two months?

Duke is the most aggressiveness.  We have a good relationship that is building and we talk once a month and have a good conversation of about 45 minutes or better.  They really show that they care.  North Carolina sends me a lot of letters that Roy Williams writes and stuff like that, so it's all good.

When did you first hear from UNC?

Three and a half or four months ago when I first talked to North Carolina, at the end of my school year.  I talked with Coach Williams after the initial contact.

In your diary you mention Kyrie possibly turning pro early and it seems as if that was a major concern.  Is it?

Yes, to be a championship team I want to have some good players.  Kyrie is that good and he may go to the pros after one year but how will it affect me?  It wouldn't keep me from going to Duke.  They are always going to have good players and they are building their program and they will be ranked number one this year so we'll see how they do.  Duke will always be in the spotlight.

And what of those banana yellow Nikes?

Yeah, they're terrible.  They sent us a fluorescent pair.  What can you do? [/private]

Real time coverage of AAU Basketball continues at BDN

Michael Gbinije - photo Rick Crank, BDN Photo

Real time updates continue from the King City Classic where Coach K and Chris Collins checked out future Blue Devil Michael Gbinije during the morning session.   Catch all the action as it happens with Duke's hot prospects and commitments by joining Blue Devil Nation Premium. 

Take advantage of our trial one month offer and see the difference in coverage for yourself.  We invite you to join super fans like yourself in discussing all the latest breaking news and happenings not only on the recruiting trail, but team-wise as well.

Tonight we'll have real time reports on the message board from the N.C. Pro Am as well and be sure to sign up to our twitter account for recruiting and teams updates as well.

We have already talked with Shabazz Muhammad, Alex Murphy, Marshall Plumlee, Kaleb Tarczewski during coverage from Adidas Nations and were checking out the LeBron James Skills Academies before that where Kyle Singler and Nolan Smith enhanced their skills.  And some new names which could surface in the class of 2010 and detailed interviews are forth coming.  And we will be headed to the Peach Jam on Monday where we once again, hit the AAU circuit like no other Duke site.

It's a great time to join BDN Premium!

One on one with Duke prospect Quincy Miller


Quincy Miller drives to the basket during the NC Pro Am. BDN Premium caught up with Quincy and we got his thoughts on his Team USA experience, the recruiting process. Miller had some nice things to say about Kyrie Irving as well, but you will need premium access to read the entire interview. Join BDN Premium today as recruiting heats up along with our AAU event coverage. Photo copyright Rick Crank and BDN Photo

Basketball is a way of life for Duke prospect Quincy Miller who participated in the NC Pro Am at North Carolina Central University this past Thursday evening.  Fresh off a flight from San Antonio, where he helped Team USA go undefeated, Miller made his way onto the court where he was facing a much more talented team full of North Carolina Tar Heels.  Pealing out of his Team USA gear,Miller got his in just one half of play.  But his team was down by 20 when he joined them and that was way too big of a deficit to overcome.   Miller would later nail three, three pointers where he filled in for one half on another team.  BDN talked with Miller and got his thoughts on his USA experience, the recruiting process and his plans for the near future in our latest premium access offering. 

You just got back from San Antonio where you played with Team USA.  What was that experience like for you?

The experience was really good for me.  I played great defense and was probably one of the best defensive players on my team.  It was really nice.

You mentioned that you bonded well with Kyrie Irving earlier.

Kyrieis my boy, we hit it off really well.  I roomed with Kyrie Irving, Austin Rivers and [private] Patrick Young.  It went real well an we developed good relationships and I think they could last for a long time.

You went up against your friend in Deuce Bello tonight.  What was that like?

I mean I know what he can do and he knows what I can do, so we know each other well.

You just scored 15 or 16 points in the second half ...

Yeah, I just got back from San Antonio,so I fot here late.

You're proudly wearing Team USA gear as well.

I am proud.

You had good moves in that game ...

I wished I could have played longer becasue I think I could have helped my team win a game

I noticed you talking and manevering players on the court.  I don't think I've seen you do that like you did tonight.

I was just playing with the USA team and that helped me a lot.  So I know what I need to do to get to the next level and maybe the level after that.  O like helping other players and making those around me better.

Where will your D-One AAU team go from here?

Indianapolis and then Vegas.

Will you be able to play again with AAU events coming up?

I will play a couple of more games here.

What's your school list looking like these days?

Wake Forest, Kentucky, Syracuse, Duke, Memphis, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Ohio State

But you're in no hurry to make a decision, still, right?

Yeah, I'm taking my time.  I'm feeling out all the programs and their coaches and see where it leads.

Will you take a look at the players you will be playing with?  If so, how important is something like that?

That's real important.  I want to play with guys who want to win and get better.  I'm trying to win a championship.

I'm just going to come in and do my thing.Do you have any favorites at this time?

Naw, not yet.  Nobody is sticking out yet.

Ohio State is new to your list.  Did they just come in?

Yeah.  And Louisville came in recently.

Some are saying that Kentucky and Duke might be the early leaders.

No not really.  I just knew players at Kentucky and players from Duke, so I was like around those two teams from players I knew.

What areas of your game need work?

Stronger and faster, you know me, I just want to work on everything.

You played for another team just now and nailed in three, three pointers and had a dunk.

 Yeah.  I have been working on it.  I was able to play one haldfor them, but we're leaving now.

Yeah, I chatted with Deuce and Brian Clifton earlier. Take care and good luck.

Thanks [/private]

Quincy Miller highlights opening night of the NC Pro Am for Duke fans

UNC fans turned out to see there future in Harrison Barnes who scored 16 points including this dunk at the NC Pro Am - Photo copyrighted Rick Crank, BDN Photo

DURHAM - Sporting his Team USA attire, Quincy Miller highlighted the opening night of the NC Pro Am for Duke fans.  Miller had just come back to Durham from San Antonio where the U-18 team had their way with world competition.  Miller, of course, is a key Duke recruiting target in the class of 2011 and the versatile prospect showed he was unafraid to go up against the older guys scoring 14 points in a single half of play due to his late arrival.

Because he was late to the event, the promoter allowed Miller to play for one more half with another team as a fill in and he tallied 10 points in that game.  Miller went up against future UNC player P.J. Hairston. In fact, his severely undermanned team faced what was essentially a Carolina All Star team that consisted of Harrison Barnes, Reggie Bullock, Jon Henson and others.  But with Hairston, the battle got a bit heated.  The two went head to head late in the game and despite surely being tired from jet lag, Miller outscored the offensive minded Hairston 14-13 in a single half of play, meaning, how many would Miller have scored with full two half's?

Harrison Barnes was as advertised, calm, cool and collected on the court.  Barnes opened the game with two emphatic dunks as his team rolled to an early lead over what appeared to be one of the weakest teams in this years field.  Barnes ended the game with 16 points while coasting in the second half.

Reggie Bullock added 10 points and Henson added 8.  Also playing on the Tar Heel laden Team Stackhouse was Miller's high school and AAU teammate Deuce Bello who had a game high 18 points and showed off his athletic skill set.  Team Stackhouse won easily by a 81-60 margin.

In an earlier game, the youthful prospect Rodney Purvis scored 16 points while wowing the crowd with his abilities.  Purvis is just a rising sophomore in high school.

N.C. Sate fans turned out in droves as well, but Ryan Harrow and Lorenzon Brown were no-shows.  C.J. Leslie did play though and he tallied 16 points to go with his teammate Tracy Smith 14.

The NBA's number one draft pick, John Wall, was also in attendance and his presence alone made some in the crowd a bit giddy.  Wall was seen talking to former UNC standout Jerry Stackhouse for most of the evening.

All of the Duke players were no shows due to the break at school and or Nike skills academy camps.  The Blue Devils will start to appear next week where the games are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

NOTES - There was a very solid opening night crowd despite what was a parking mess due to construction on the N.C. Central Campus.  Expect a nice walk to the event if you are able to attend.  Admission is a bargain in that it is free.  BDN Premium has an article on Quincy Miller due shortly where we get the latest from the prospect.  So, stay tuned to BDN whose history of covering the event is well known.

2011 prospect Bernard Sullivan pays a visit to Duke

Photo courtesy of National Hoops Report, check their blog out.

If you are a BDN Premium member you have already read on the message board that Bernard Sullivan [North Mecklinberg HS, NC, 6-7, 198 class of 2011] is visiting Duke today.  Sullivan is a North Carolina native with good basketball skills and a love for music and education as well.  Sullivan has been playing well during this summers AAU ball and he is garnering interest form new schools daily.  We sat down with Sullivan and got his thoughts on Duke and the recruiting process in another in depth interview.

How did you fare during the NBAPA Top 100 Camp?

It was a blessing to be invited as one of the top 100 players and I really learned where I was with my game while learning from some of the NBA's best coaches.  It's great to get that experience and the camp is much more than just basketball, we have classes which teaches you about life.

Describe your game in your own words?

I would say I'm a combo forward and a versatile player who can step inside and out.  I hustle the whole game and I want to win and will do whatever it takes to win.

What is your school list looking like?

Before the summer it was Clemson, Virginia Tech, Penn State but after playing well in the tournaments I have all of a sudden had a lot of coaches call like Duke, Maryland, Kansas State, Georgetown, so I see the difference and I will just feel everything out and enjoy the recruiting process.

Who will play a major role in your decision?

My [private] parents, high school coach, Jerry Jordan who has worked with me.

You mentioned Duke.  Who did you talk to there?

Nate James.

What did he have to say to you?

He said he had heard  I had been playing well in tournaments and that they're interested in me and want to come down and see me play in July.  That's what he said, that they were very interested in recruiting me.

Are you interested in Duke?

I'm definitely interested in one of the best athletic and academic schools in the country, you can't get any better than that along with one of the greatest coaches.

Any other ACC schools showing interest?

Every ACC school but Carolina, Wake and Miami.

Did you have a dream school growing up?

Definitely Carolina.  I'm from ACC country and everybody pulls for Duke or Carolina and for me it was Carolina.

Is that a bad omen for Duke?

I don't think so.  Wherever I go ... in the ACC you cannot go wrong whether it is Duke, Clemson ..

And a school that prepares you for the NBA is good?

You have life after college so a good basketball school as well as an academic school will help me get ready for the next level in basketball and life.

Who were some of the toughest guys you went up against at the NBAPA Camp?

I'm not to sure of all the names but a friend told me I just played against a top ten guy and I played very well and felt good about my performances overall.

Have you thought about a major?

I would like to major in psychology, my dads a psychologist, so he wants me to be a psychologist but I wouldn't mid minoring in music because I play a little piano and sing a little bit.

Music is your big hobby?

Shoot, music is not that much of a hobby because I have been playing and signing longer than I have been playing basketball.  I like video games, reading and hanging out like teenagers.

Who are your favorite artists?

I like R & B, Music Soul Child, I like gospel and old school like Stevie Wonder and the Temptations, stuff like that.

Which video game is keeping you occupied the most?

NBA 2K 10.  I love basketball and to be able to play int on a video game is great.

Do you pattern your game after any players?

A lot of people tell me I play a little bit like Michael Beasley.  He can post up, take you out and shoot, I feel like I play a lot like him.  I'm athletic and he is athletic so a lot of people think we play the same game.

And your go to move is?

I like to jab for my set up move, and whatever is open I take.

When will you get serious about the recruiting process?

I will be sure to take all my visits.  I enjoy the process and want to get the most I can out of it.

I am going to put you on the spot for a minute.  If you could pick four schools you would love to visit which ones would that be?

Virginia, Duke, Penn State, Clemson and Virginia Tech.

It sounds like you like the ACC?

Yeah to me it's the best conference in the country and the one I am most familiar with.

Thanks for your time!

No problem

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