Tag Archives: Duke Basketball Recruiting News

Brannen Greene is setting up a visit to Duke

Andrew Slater scores an in depth interview with a prospect on the Duke radar - BDN Photo AS

Brannen Greene is the epitome of a small town student-athlete. In Forsyth, Georgia, a town of less than four thousand and located about an hour south of Atlanta, the sophomore 6'6" wing led Mary Persons HS to its best season in history on the court, made All-State, and achieved a 4.0 grade point average off of it. On the AAU circuit, he plays for the Southern Kings and the 2013 recruit was recently elevated to the 17 and under team, where the competition is most fierce. Greene, who has started to build a reputation as a tall deep shooter, is planning on deciding on a college program in the next four months. Right now, he is making plans to visit prospective schools. After a controversial last second loss against Baltimore Elite at a recent tournament, Greene was gracious enough to speak with Blue Devil Nation about the latest in his recruitment, balancing academics with athletics, and Duke's recent interest in the confident sophomore.   Get to know Greene up close and personal with our latest premium offering and when you are finished, check out the latest on Alex Proythress.

How have you done so far this season?

 Let's start with the AAU. I've done fine here, but I started out in 16-and-under and I was like killing them there. Like, I was dropping players there. Some of the scouting services said that I should be playing up so I could have more competition and so I am.

How was your high school season?

It was the best season in our high school's history.


Thank you. We hosted our first round game, we won a regional championship, and I was named first-team all-state.

What are you hoping to  [private] accomplish, both in the AAU season and in your high school season?

Yeah, well, I'm looking to develop overall as a player. I'd like for us to make it to the state tournament game and in AAU, I'd like to be a leader on this team.

Is it difficult at your age to do that and, particularly, with you being a new guy on the team...or does it just come naturally?

I mean, I've always been the leader on the teams for, like, my whole life. Next year, I'm looking forward to doing that even more, though, because we'll have pretty good players and so I just play...

It must have been a little odd going from 16 to 17.

Yeah, I didn't know any of those guys. We had no chemistry at first when I started to join them and then I've played with them and we clicked.

In terms of recruiting, what schools are after you right now?

Alabama, Georgia Tech, Marquette, Duke, Georgetown, Florida State, Ohio State, Providence, and Stanford

Have you figured out a time line for when you'd like to decide by?

Me and my guys discussed it. Most likely, we'll decide at the end of the summer…at the end of July… in the live period. We're going to decide before this season.

Have you visited any schools so far?

 I visited Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia Tech, and Xavier.

Do you have any planned?

I've already visited Alabama, but, in about two weeks, I'm going to visit there again because they've been recruiting me so hard. Then, I'll go to Georgia Tech again and I'm also planning about visiting NC State.

Would you visit Duke when you're there, as well?

 Oh, yeah, we're actually working that out right now.

You must be a pretty good student though. Can you touch on that, as well?

Oh, yeah, I'm a 4.0 GPA, but there are always tournaments, dude. I got to get my studies up. I got to get my grades up.

How do you balance these basketball tournaments with your academics?

How do you manage? It is. Between working out and leaving, you know, missing Fridays of school and then having to make it up.

Do the teachers hassle you about the exams and the make-up tests?

Yeah, they get mad and stuff, but...I just go to them after school and get tutoring.

Can you talk about your strengths and weaknesses on the court?

My strengths are shooting...

Three-pointers, obviously.

Yeah, and my ball handling and just like overall IQ. My weaknesses are I don't know..my defensive intensity? I mean, I like defense, but sometimes I don't put my whole effort into it. I just want to keep getting to be an overall better player.

How do you feel about shooting off of a catch versus shooting off of the dribble? Which way do you feel more comfortable?

Pulling up is fine with me, but like I like doing step-backs.

Saw that in the game here.

. Shooting off the dribble is fine with me, but I guess I prefer shooting off of a catch.

Catch and shoot seems to be your bread and butter. How about taking the ball to the hoop- do you feel comfortable doing that?

Yeah, but there are some times when I settle too much for the jump-shot, but I'm still comfortable, though.

In terms of position, what do you view yourself as?

A 2/3 or a 3? A 2/3, but sometimes I even play point guard.

What's your current size and what are you projected to be?

 6'6", 190. They're projecting that I'll be no shorter than 6'9." They examined my growth plates and said that they are wide open.

Is there a player that you try to model your game after?

Yeah, I love Kevin Durant.

 The Georgia Stars coach was comparing you to Reggie Miller, when you're angry.

Yeah, yeah.

Who will you turn to for guidance whenever you do decide?

My father.

Is he here?

Yeah, he's here. He came over to the game and shook my hand..and he's now one of the assistant coaches here. Him and Coach Morris, that's about it. I try to keep my circle very tight.

That's probably a good thing. What would you like the audience to know about you off of the court?

 I don't do that partying or drinking thing. I've never done that. That's not my thing. That accounts for the 4.0. I just like hanging out. I'm not a real outsy person, but I am outgoing and I like to have fun.

In terms of your physique, what are you hoping to accomplish this summer? Are there any goals?

Definitely, I could get stronger, I wanna just work on my overall body, I need to get stronger. That's something that's going to be needed for college. It's very important to get my strength up in order to make an impact.

What are you looking for, ideally, in terms of a college program?

An institute that's really high on academics, one that wants to help me develop mentally and physically, and then distance..I want to be close to home, but like, if it's the right place and it's far away, I'll go. I mean, in terms of distance, I like to be close to my family.

I was curious about that. Can you touch on your defense, where you think it is and where you'd like it to be? We touched on that a little bit before.

I need to get more intense and focus on it more because that'll be what separates me from the other top players.

So, it's more of an effort issue for you than anything else?


Who's the most difficult player you've guarded so far?

Probably Ricardo Ledo.

Oh, yeah, Ricky Ledo?

Yeah, him, or Nerlens Noel.

He's a big-time player and a very tough player to guard. You can't stick him.

 Oh, yeah, I know both of those guys. I'm still in shock over how we lost that game.

Before, you mentioned Duke, what contact has been made between you and the coaches and what do you know about the school and the program?

My dad has been talking to Nate James. My AAU coaches have been talking to Duke. My other AAU coaches, my 16s, have also been talking to Duke. It's primarily been Nate James and, like I said, we've been talking about setting up a visit.

And what do you know about the University and the program?

Academically, they're a great school and obviously their basketball program is a great basketball program. I just like Coach K's style of play and you know with a lot of screens and stuff.

Have they talked about how you would fit in there and where they see you?

Actually, they probably have. They probably told my coaches, but I really haven't heard.

So I'm talking to the wrong guy here. (laughs)


 By the way, what's your best subject?

Math. It just seems to come naturally to me.

Thanks a lot for your time.

Sure. [/private]

BDN Recruiting Focus – Budding Prospect Alex Poythress speaks

Alex Poythress talks of Duke coach visiting and more in the latest BDN Premium offering. Photo - Mark Watson, BDN

Alex Poythress is a very athletic 6'7" forward from Clarksville, Tennessee, hometown of Pat Summitt, Shawn Marion, and Trent Hassell. He's made the quick and relatively smooth assimilation into the Georgia Stars AAU program , where he teams with Duke recruit, Tony Parker. The laconic forward spoke with us about the latest in his recruitment, playing with Parker at this level and the next, and his impressions of Duke.

Let's start with recruiting. What schools are after you right now?

The schools would be Vandy, Memphis, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, Miami, Alabama, Stanford, Duke, Texas..I've got a lot. Ohio State, Minnesota, and Marquette.

Which of those are offers versus those expressing serious interest? [private]

UConn has offered. Georgia, Florida, Vandy, Tennessee, Miami, Alabama, Stanford, Marquette, and Memphis. There might be a couple of other schools, but that's all that I can remember right now.

That's plenty. Now, which schools came in recently to watch you during your "open gyms?"

Duke, Ohio State, Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Memphis, Marquette, Vandy, and Tennessee. Alabama came to my open gym as well.

Do you have any timeline for when you'd like to decide by?

I'd like to cut my schools down by the end of the summer and then take my visits in the fall.

And you must be a pretty good student to have some of those schools interested in you.

Oh, yeah, I have a 3.9.



Finally, there's somebody around here cracking the books.

(laughs) Oh, yeah. I try.

Can you describe your game for an audience that may not have seen you play in person?

I'm like an athletic wing player that can post up small defenders and can take bigger defenders away from the basket. Just being a really versatile player that can help a coach or a team in whatever way is necessary.

In terms of a position, what do you view yourself as?

A wing player. A 3 or a 4.

What would you like to improve upon?

I'd like to get my outside shot to become more consistent and work on my ball-handling as well.

Who are some players that you try to emulate?

I don't really try to emulate nobody. I just try to play out there.

Who's been the most difficult match-up or player for you to defend so far?

The most difficult match-up was probably against Andre Drummond. We played him in Arkansas.

Sure, he's an athletic 6'10' to 6'11" guy.

Yeah, he was tough guy to defend.

Whenever you decide on a program, what are you ideally looking for?

Schools that have demonstrated good player development, a quality coaching staff, academics, and finally just a good fit for me.

What schools have you visited so far?

I've visited Florida, Georgia, Memphis, Vandy, Tennessee, and Alabama

Will distance be a factor for you?

No, sir.

What would you like the audience to know about you away from the court?

I like to play tennis.

Excuse me.

I like to play tennis.

Wow. That's another thing that I don't hear very often.

(laughs) Yeah, yeah.

Do you play on the school's team?

Yeah, I play.

What are you first singles?

No, I'm doubles.

And can you talk about playing alongside Tony Parker?

Oh, he's a good player. He's unselfish. He'll like pass the ball, if he doesn't have his shot. He's a good, dominant post player.

What's you current height and weight?

I'm 6'7 1/2" and 216 pounds.

Whenever you get close to deciding, who will you turn to for guidance?

Probably my mom and my high school coach.

Physically, what are you going to try to work on this summer?

Just lifting a lot of weights. Building my arms.

In terms of in your community, with your success on the court and in the classroom, do you view yourself as a role model?

Yes, at my school, we have this thing called freshman focus. I just try to help the freshmen get acquainted to high school and stuff like that. I do that as like a leader.

You're a mentor?


Lastly, you and Tony have a bit of an overlap in terms of schools that are interested in you. Have you talked about playing in college together?

No, we haven't talked about it yet, but we might though because we're roommates and stuff like that.

One of the programs that you and Tony have in common is Duke. What do you know about their program and can you talk about them a little bit?

I know Duke is a good school and has a very good track record. Coach K's a great coach. They've been in the finals and like all of this stuff. They're in the finals like every other year.

Which coach came to visit you recently?

Coach James.

Do you follow college basketball pretty closely?

Yeah, I love watching basketball.

Thanks for your time.

Oh, alright, thanks. [/private]

The Latest from Duke Prospect Tony Parker

In a class that's being hailed for the depth and quality of its bigs, 6'9" Tony Parker of Lithonia, Georgia is one of the top best. His game is based off of a mix of strength, skill, and soft hands. This past year, Parker led Miller Grove to a third consecutive Class AAAA state title, scoring 21 points and grabbing 22 rebounds in the championship game. Parker is noticeably more lean, silencing some who felt that his conditioning was his primary weakness. This past weekend, Tony averaged over 13 points and 8 rebounds per game at Nike's session two of EYBL in Dallas. Following a 20 point, 11 rebound performance in a come-from-behind overtime win against the New York Gauchos, Parker spoke with Blue Devil Nation.

Can you talk about this game?

It was a tough game. The Gauchos played hard. They scrap the hell of you. They got real good play out of their guards. They've got really good guards. They've got great coaching. Great coaching's gonna take you a long way.

He (Billy Singleton) coached at St. John's.

Yeah. So, they've got great coaching, good guards, and play really, really hard. They're a hard team to beat.

How do you feel you've played so far against AAU competition? We'll start with that.

I've got to play harder and work on my shot, but other than that, (In depth interview ahead ... [private] I'm satisfied with my play.

Can you talk about the Milton game? I was talking with Evan Nolte (a Milton forward) and getting his perspective. What can you tell me about that game?

We had to run with them. We had to hit them in the mouth. No team had really hit them in the mouth, but we tried to do that.

He said they came in overly cocky.

We decided to hit them in the mouth. Whether they were humble or not, we were going to keep fighting. We got a big lead on them and made it hard on them to score.

Was that at your place or his?

It was at a neutral site, but it was right down the street from their house. 

So they had the crowd behind them?


And people have talked about how you're in much better shape right now and have better conditioning.

I've been working with my conditioning coach. We've been getting in there every day and working hard.  Man hard and just pushing myself.

Pushing work ethic?

Yeah, pushing my work ethics and getting in the weight room a lot.

You must do a lot of cardio as well.

Yeah, we do a lot of cardio, a lot of jump-roping, a lot of laddering, and just stuff to get me slimmed down. We're working it.

Do you do that locally or do you go somewhere else for training?

Yeah, locally. It's like right next to my school. 

Oh that's good. People are always interested in the latest in your recruitment. What's going on with that?

Texas and Kansas have really picked it up.  They've done a really good job. They're two great schools and I'm really interested in what they have to say. Those are two new names.

Well, that's good for you. What are some other schools?

Duke, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Georgia Tech, Georgetown, and that's some more schools. I really gotta narrow it down.

I should probably ask you about that now. What's your timeline for when you would like to cut down on your list and ultimately decide on it?

I think I'm going to narrow it down pretty soon and really focus on where I want to go and have the confidence to pick a program.

How many would you like to narrow it down to? Five or ten?

Ten, probably.

And then you're going to do the five official visits ultimately?

Yeah, I'll do the five official visits. 

How do you like playing with Alex (Poythress)?

Alex is a great player. He's really athletic. He helps you a lot in all aspects of the game. He can block shots, he's got wings. I love playing with him. He's really fun.

He said he was your roommate, too.

Yeah, he is and we have a lot of fun.

Tell the audience a little something positive about each of those teams you just mentioned.

Duke, of course, it's got great basketball history. The way they play and how hard they play. You get a great education. North Carolina, you've got a great basketball history and you look at all the players that get into the pros. Just the success that they've had in the past.  And now they've got players playing off of that with their pride and all. Kansas, you know, they always have a tough team. It seems they always get knocked out early, but they have a good team. They're always in the top five, you know.  Texas, they had a great team. They always have great teams, but they might not have had a year that they expected. I think that they'll come back strong and, you know, Georgia and Georgia Tech, they're good schools.

I remember your father was from Missouri.

Yeah, and everybody there is pushing for me to go to Kansas. My family's pushing me to go to Kansas.

Oh, are they?

Did you mention Georgetown? Are they still in it?

Yeah, they're still in it. It's a good school and they have a good basketball history.

And did you mention Ohio State?

Yeah, that's one of the schools that I really like. They really play their bigs. It's a great all-around school.

I just wanted you to say something positive about each of your teams. Who are some of the guys that you are friends with on the circuit that may not be on your team?

Me and DeJuan Coleman are pretty close. L.J. Rose, Kyle Anderson, and (Dashawn) Suber. So yeah, I know a lot of guys on the circuit from playing against each other.

Yeah, I'm not sure people realize just how much you run into other players on the circuit.

Yeah, definitely.

How did you like the All-American game in Houston?

It was a great experience and an all-out good game. They had a really good set-up for us. It was definitely an event worth watching on TV and stuff.  They were first-class guys. It was a great game for juniors. 

I thought that was a brilliant idea that hadn't been done yet.

Oh yeah. It was a great idea.

What are your goals for the summer?

Just keep working on my all-around game and keep working on my weight. Just keep playing hard.

Physically, what do you want to accomplish this summer?

I'll probably try to drop a couple of pounds this summer and then put it back on for the season. It's just an on-going process.

Exactly, you want to lose the fat, but you don't want to lose the muscle that you've already gained. How do you balance that?

I've got to be really disciplined, that's the thing. And not taking anything for granted.

Are you eating differently?

Yeah, I have to eat differently. I've been eating a lot of greens, you've got to. A lot of greens. (laughs)

I don't think most players realize until their first year of college just how important diet is to their games.

Yeah, right. Yeah. Right, right. My strength and conditioning guy is really good.  He actually played for the Cowboys.


Yeah, he's one of those really crazy football guys.

I remember you saying last year that a ton of guys in your area are big football guys and kept encouraging you to play.

Yeah, but he's not. He's a really good guy and he always has my back calling me after games and this guy will get up in the morning at 5 or maybe 6 and he'll do no-hand back-flips.

Oh, wow. How old is he?

He's 35 or maybe 37, so he's good, man. He's the best you can have. He's really calming.

How did you two meet?

I think we met in 8th grade and so I was playing with the Southern Kings.

Right, right, that's what Nolte was saying.

Yeah, we played together.  He kept working me out, but he left early. He said, "I can't do this, you're terrible" and then he came back and he kept pushing me and pushing me. Finally, it started to click with me and we started to have success this last year.  He told me I had to drop it and then tone it. 

It's great that you had access to him. What are your goals for your next high school season?

Win a fourth straight championship.

I wanted to be sure and get a picture of that shirt (has picture of 3 Georgia state high school championship trophies on it).

Yes, sure. It was a great experience playing with these guys. I've played with some great players and we've got to get another one. We're always hungry for more. We've got to get another one. Southwest DeKalb, they're really going to be good next year. We've got to be tougher and we're going to be ready to take it on. 

Who are some coaches, either assistant coaches or head coaches, that you really have a good relationship with?

I think Rob Lanier is really cool. The coach from Ohio State with glasses, I can't remember his name now. Oh, it's Jeff Boals. Yeah, he and Nate James I talk to a lot. Just different coaches, like Billy Donovan is really cool.  Mark Fox is. I have a nickname for him- I call him "Baldy." 

(laughs) How does he like that one?

(laughs) He thinks it's funny.

Have you taken any visits lately or do you have any plans?

I think I'm going to take a lot of visits soon. I've got to start visiting these schools and then later I'm going to know which ones I'm going to take for my five.

Is it really tough with AAU to get to these schools? You're away almost every weekend.

Yeah, it is. I've talked to Jared Sullinger, so I've got to get down there soon. I've got to go to Ohio State and get a feel for it.  You know, just have fun with the process.

Yeah, yeah..and you said you were going to do the officials anyway. What are you ideally looking for in a program?

Just a program that uses its bigs and plays hard.  My mom loves education and so that's big for me.  I need to look for an all-around school, but....

Are you a pretty good student or at least a solid one?

Yeah, I'm pretty solid.

And since I follow you on it, can you talk about Twitter? It seems like a pretty good way to build your audience.

Yeah, I love Twitter. I try to have fun with it. Not really broadcast my personal life, I feel like that's my business. You try to share as much as you can.

Who's the best big that you've played so far?

I haven't really matched up with anyone really, really big yet, but we've got Bounce tomorrow. I've got to match up with Anthony Bennett.

And then they've got that 7'5" kid, Sim.

Yeah, 2012 is the class of bigs

You guys play against BABC yet?

Yeah, we did.

How did you guys do against them?

We did pretty well against them, but those guys are really, really good. They're very well coached.

Their coach (Leo Papile) works for the Celtics

Yeah, he does? The Atlanta Celtics?

No, no, the Boston Celtics.

Oh really?

Indeed. Thanks a lot for your time, Tony, and good luck tomorrow.

Thanks. No problem. [/private]

Prospect Anton Gill still wide open

Anton Gill is a 6'3" sophomore shooting guard from the Ravenscroft School in Raleigh, North Carolina.  Gill led the private school team in scoring this past season and has generated interest from high-major programs, including several in the ACC. The first program to offer the 2013 prospect was his father's alma mater, East Carolina. Gill's father, also named Anton, is the ECU Pirates' fourth all-time leading scorer. On Wednesday, NC State became the first ACC program and third overall (UNC-Charlotte) to formally offer him.

In this abbreviated interview, which was conducted earlier, he talked about a variety of topics, including his recent injury which has had him sidelined for the past few weeks, his relationship with Ryan Kelly, and some of the tougher North Carolinian players that he's faced.

First of all, can you talk about your injury and how it happened? Was it at that Telep camp or after it?

It was after Telep. I guess I just tweaked it a little bit. Then, I tried to play on it the next week. We went to the doctor's and he said that it was a stress fracture. I guess I'm kind of unlucky. (laughs)

No, not at all. You're a Ravenscroft kid. How do you feel that you played this past year in high school?

I think I'm playing well and knocking down open shots. I've got a lot of confidence in the things that I can do. I think this is probably the best year that I've had, so far, in my high school career.

In terms of recruiting, who's after you right now? [private]

Right now, I've got two offers: East Carolina and UNC-Charlotte. As far as other schools that are currently recruiting me, North Carolina, Wake Forest, Clemson, Florida State, Texas, and a bunch of other schools showing other levels of interest.

You're still wide open, I assume?

Yes, definitely.

Do you have any timeframe for when you'd like to decide by?

I'm not really sure. I'm just trying to find a school that's the right fit for me.

Now, have you made visits?

Yeah, I've visited Clemson and North Carolina

You must live in the Triangle.

Yeah, I live in the Triangle, closest to NC State.

And you never visited there yet?

Yeah, well, I visited there in my freshman year, but since the whole, like, coaching thing..

It's a new regime. What's your current height and weight?

I'm about 6' 3 1/2" and about 175.

Do you know how tall that you're projected to be? Your dad is obviously a very tall man.

Yes, sir. They think that I'll be about 6'6" to 6'7."

And assuming that you hit that 6'6" to 6'7" height, which position would you like to play?

I think I'm going to be a two guard.

Alright, a 6'7" two guard. I can see it.

Gill - (laughs)

For those that haven't seen you play, what are your strengths and weaknesses?

I would say that my strength is really shooting the ball and getting to the rim. Things like that. My weakness would probably be my strength and being able to finish and even my defense so that I'll be able to take hits.

Strength is one of those things that you don't see high school guards often talk about until much later in their careers. Going back to Ravenscroft for a moment, do you know Ryan Kelly?

Oh, yeah, I speak to him all the time. His mother's here. He plays for Duke and works out with them, but, in the summer, he comes back and we work out with him and stuff like that.

What's he like as a person?

He's cool. Like if you saw him, you wouldn't know that he's a national champion (laughs). He's humble. He's real hard-working. He's just a normal guy to talk with. He's a very smart guy too.

Who will be some people that you'll turn to for guidance in your college decision, whenever you do decide? Your dad?

Yeah, my dad and my coaches, Coach Coleman and my high school coach, Coach Billerman and guys like Ryan, you know, older guys. Same thing, you know, I'd like to hear advice from guys who've been through it.

Speaking of Kelly, is Duke recruiting you, by the way? Will they?

I hope they will, but I haven't really heard from them yet.

Did you have a favorite team growing up? I know this is always a touchy issue in your area.

(laughs) Yeah, for some it is.

Were you a Tar Heel fan growing up?

Yeah, I was a Tar Heel fan growing up (laughs).

Are you still and are you open to NC State and Duke?

Yeah, I'm definitely open to all of them, but…

If the Tar Heels came calling, you'll …

(laughs) I can't even say.

Alright, we'll see.

Who's the toughest opponent for you thus far?

The toughest opponent for me has been either Rodney Purvis or Torian Graham. He's just so strong. He can get wherever he wants on the court. Even T.J. Warren…he scores so easily. He's tough to match-up against.

Is he in your league?

Well, he's 2012, but, yeah, we've played once already and he plays with the older Garner Road team.

Yeah, I've seen all three of those guys. What style of play do you prefer to play now?

Probably up-and-down. You know fast-paced, running the floor, shooting baskets quickly… things like that. I think that I'm more of a perimeter guy. I've grown a bit, but I still prefer to play outside.

Either at the NBA or in college, is there a guy that you try to model your game after?

I'd have to say Kobe Bryant. He's got no weaknesses at either end. A total professional and a competitor.

They always talk about his work ethic.

Yeah, he's got a great work ethic and the thing I like about his game is his footwork. He knows how to use his feet and position his body on the court at all times.

It's beautiful. 

Yeah, it is and that's really something I try to watch and learn from.

What would you like the audience to know about you away from the court?

I'm just a normal kid.

Very approachable and friendly..

(laughs) Thanks. I'm just a normal kid. I play video games, listen to music, and go to school.

What's your favorite types of music and video games?

With video games, I like NBA 2K11 and play it all the time (laughs). Play it all the time and that's what we do.

Let me guess. You're on the Lakers.

Oh, yeah, I'm a huge Lakers fan and, in terms of music, I listen to rap music.

Who do you like to listen to?

Probably Jay-Z is my favorite.

The Brooklyn boy ...

(laughs) Yeah, he's my man.

Do you like movies? What types?

Oh, yeah, definitely. I just like something that keeps me awake. I like action movies. I like action.

What will you be looking for ideally in a college, whenever you do decide?

A place where I'm wanted…where I'm a high priority for the coaching staff

Now, for example, did you visit UNC-Charlotte or East Carolina after they made you an offer?

Yes, I've been there numerous times, particularly ECU. My dad played there.

Now does give them any upper-hand?

Not really. (laughs) I guess it kind of helps them right now, but we'll see. I know their coaching staff and Coach Lebo is great. They're just really welcoming. That's what I really like. It really feels like I'm at home.

What did your father play at ECU?

He played the three and the four. He graduated in 1995.

So, he's a relatively a recent grad.

Yeah. (laughs)

When do you expect for the injury to heal and for you to be playing at full-strength? Will you be ready for July?

The doctor thinks it will only be about four weeks, if I stay off of it.

That's not too bad.

No, it's not. I'm just going to take a few weeks off and just lift weights and stuff. I should be back soon.

How are the facilities at Ravenscroft, in terms of weight-lifting, cardio machines, etcetera?

Oh, they're great. First-class stuff and they really keep on top of it. You come in and they have it all laid out on the wall about the stuff that you have to do. The weight-lifting coach stays on you and things like that.

Have you improved, in terms of weight-lifting?

Yeah, when I came in as a freshman, I think I was maybe 140. So, you can definitely see the improvement and how I've tried to build that lean muscle.

It looks like you must've been targeting your upper body and hitting your shoulders.

That's actually what the coach told me to work on. Hitting the shoulders so that I can kinda get that "V" look like Kobe.

I heard you played well at Telep's camp. What was that experience like and how do you feel you played?

I think I played well. There's always things that you can find to do better, but, overall, I felt like I played really well. It was just fun because you see the different guys that you read about or..

You hear names.

Right, you hear names and it was just an opportunity to show what you can do.

And you're a competitor, right?

Yeah, you definitely don't want to let anybody get the upper hand on you or embarrass you.

Did you play (Rodney) Purvis there?

Yeah, I played him there. I think we played him in the last game. Guys like that are the ones that you want to target and also watch out for.

Lastly, what would you like to work on or target this summer?

This summer, I'd like to continue to get stronger and get quicker. I 'd like to work on my weakness, like my off-hand, and my jump shot. Just tuning my game. I don't feel like there's really one thing thing that is a weakness, but I think, at the same time, you can always get better. Just fine-tuning my game.

Thank you very much.

Sure, no problem. [/private]

5 Questions for future Dukie Rasheed Sulaimon

We have several leftover questions on the cutting room floor from our recent AAU coverage where we chatted up Rasheed Sulaimon.  Here are five of those -

Are you glad the process is over now that you have selected Duke as your college destination?

Recruiting can be a very tiresome process but I felt like after I committed it was like a big weight being lifted off my shoulders and now I can help my AAU team get to Peach Jam.  I still get a few letters but it has died off some now.

I see you're rocking a Duke shirt.  Do guys come after you harder now that you are a Blue Devil, trying to prove themselves if you will?

Yeah, yeah.  You know, it's a big target on my back and everytime I step on the court people want to prove themselves against me.  It's a big target on my back but it just gives me hungrier to go out there and play hard everytime.

You have a lot of desire, confidence in your game.  Where does that edge come from?

I get thart from my Father, he's a very competitive guy.  Even growing up if we were playing checkers he wouldn't let me win.  I get it from him a lot.  Everytime I step on the court I just want to win.

What area of your game has seen to biggest improvement since last season?

I think the biggest improvement has been my quickness.  I would use my length a year ago but now my quickness has helped me laterally.

Has the staff asked you to work on anything in particular?  Like ball handling?

Oh yeah, definately.  Right now I am only 6-4, so I will have the ball in my hands more.  I started doing that in my high school season and I am prety confident with my ball handling skills now.  I can play the point or off guard.

Blue Devils taking a look at Jarnell Stokes

Duke prospect Jarnell Stokes

When you are a junior in high school, stand 6-8, weigh in at 250 and keep getting better, college basketball coaches will take notice.

 Such is the case with Jarnell Stokes, a bruising paint player who is just now getting accustomed body.  Last season Stokes was almost always in the paint.  At the opening AAU event of the season, Stokes ripped down a rebound and dribbled right up the gut of the defense only to finish with a right handed flush, then turning to make sure he got back up court.

Stokes, like many bigs, loves to play the angles [private]around the rim in that his physique naturally makes smaller defenders pop off with the slightest bit of contact.

Duke has recently showed interest in Stokes, where Nate James has taken on the lead role.  Make no mistake, Stokes will be a tough get but with his talent it is hard not to want him manning the blocks at the next level.

BDN Premium recently caught up to Stokes for a brief interview -

Where are you in the recruiting process at this time?

First I was high on Tennessee, but you know, the coaches troubles and players ... I am opening it back up.

Which schools are most active with you?

Of course Memphis, because that's where I'm from.  The new coach at Tennessee will stay in touch, Miami, Ole Miss, Pitt ..

Are you still open to new schools coming in?

Yes, definitely.

Did you have a dream school growing up?

Memphis was the team I pulled for but as far as recruiting goes, I am wide open.

What style of basketball do you like?

At first I liked a slower style, like a UCLA offense, but now that I've worked on getting faster, I think any style works for me.  I like the way Kansas plays their bigs, with the high low and all you know.

Have you ever thought about any of the schools in the ACC?

Yes sir.  I like the competition.

Which ACC schools would you like to hear from?

I've talked to the Duke coaches a couple of times and a North Carolina Coach, one of their assistants.  And I think Coach James, a black guy [from Duke], he talked about the pick and pop and how they could use me like Carlos Boozer or something.

How tall are you now?


A legit 6-9?

Well, I am growing ... hopefully I am not through growing ... I grew an inch this year.

Do you pattern your game after anyone, say on the NBA or college level?

I like a lot of them.  I like the way the Morris twins play and Derrick Williams at Arizona.

When will you get serious about the process?

Well, I'm starting to now.  More schools call like everyday so I am still open.  I am not sure when I would trim my list, maybe at the start of next season.

Since the interview Stokes told BDN Premium that Coach James has since called him and said that Duke was showing interest in him.  We'll have more on that later this week.
More to come on BDN Premium - [/private]